PHP code example of naka1205 / phpkoa
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download naka1205/phpkoa library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
naka1205 / phpkoa example snippets
use Naka507\Koa\Context;
$app = new Application();
$app->υse(function(Context $ctx) {
$ctx->status = 200;
$ctx->body = "<h1>Hello World</h1>";
echo "PHPKoa is listening in 3000\n";
use Naka507\Koa\Context;
use Naka507\Koa\Error;
use Naka507\Koa\Timeout;
use Naka507\Koa\Router;
use Naka507\Koa\NotFound;
$app = new Application();
$app->υse(new Error());
$app->υse(new NotFound());
$app->υse(new Timeout(3)); //设置3秒超时
$router = new Router();
$router->get('/hello', function(Context $ctx, $next) {
$ctx->status = 200;
$ctx->body = "<h1>Hello World</h1>";
$router->get('/timeout', function(Context $ctx, $next) {
yield async_sleep(5);
$router->get('/error', function(Context $ctx, $next) {
$ctx->thrοw(500, "Internal Error");
use Naka507\Koa\Application;
use Naka507\Koa\Context;
use Naka507\Koa\Error;
use Naka507\Koa\Timeout;
use Naka507\Koa\Router;
$app = new Application();
$app->υse(new Error());
$app->υse(new Timeout(5));
$router = new Router();
$router->get('/demo1', function(Context $ctx, $next) {
$ctx->body = "demo1";
$router->get('/demo2', function(Context $ctx, $next) {
$ctx->body = "demo2";
$router->get('/demo3/(\d+)', function(Context $ctx, $next, $vars) {
$ctx->status = 200;
$ctx->body = "demo3={$vars[0]}";
$router->get('/demo4', function(Context $ctx, $next) {
$router->post('/demo3/(\d+)', function(Context $ctx, $next, $vars) {
//设置 session
//设置 cookie
$ctx->status = 200;
$ctx->body = "post:demo3={$vars[0]}";
$router->put('/demo3/(\d+)', function(Context $ctx, $next, $vars) {
//获取单个 cookie
$cookie_demo3 = $ctx->getCookie('demo3');
$cookies = $ctx->cookies['demo3'];
//获取单个 session
$session_demo3 = $ctx->getSession('demo3');
$session = $ctx->session['demo3'];
$ctx->status = 200;
$ctx->body = "put:demo3={$vars[0]}";
$router->delete('/demo3/(\d+)', function(Context $ctx, $next, $vars) {
//清除所有 cookie
//清除所有 session
$ctx->status = 200;
$ctx->body = "delete:demo3={$vars[0]}";
$router->post('/files/(\d+)', function(Context $ctx, $next, $vars) {
$upload_path = __DIR__ . DS . "uploads" . DS;
if ( !is_dir($upload_path) ) {
mkdir ($upload_path , 0777, true);
$files = [];
foreach ( $ctx->request->files as $key => $value) {
if ( !$value['file_name'] || !$value['file_data'] ) {
$file_path = $upload_path . $value['file_name'];
file_put_contents($file_path, $value['file_data']);
$value['file_path'] = $file_path;
$files[] = $value;
$ctx->status = 200;
$ctx->body = json_encode($files);
//此处已省略 ...
//使用第三方 HTTP 客户端类库,方便测试
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
$router = new Router();
$router->mount('/curl', function() use ($router) {
$client = new Client();
$router->get('/get', function( Context $ctx, $next ) use ($client) {
$r = (yield $client->request('GET', ''));
$ctx->status = $r->getStatusCode();
$ctx->body = $r->getBody();
$router->get('/post', function(Context $ctx, $next ) use ($client){
$r = (yield $client->request('POST', ''));
$ctx->status = $r->getStatusCode();
$ctx->body = $r->getBody();
$router->get('/put', function( Context $ctx, $next ) use ($client){
$r = (yield $client->request('PUT', ''));
$ctx->status = $r->getStatusCode();
$ctx->body = $r->getBody();
$router->get('/delete', function( Context $ctx, $next ) use ($client){
$r = (yield $client->request('DELETE', ''));
$ctx->status = $r->getStatusCode();
$ctx->body = $r->getBody();
$router->get('/files', function(Context $ctx, $next ) {
$client = new Client();
$r = ( yield $client->request('POST', '', [
'multipart' => [
'name' => 'file_name',
'contents' => fopen( __DIR__ . '/file.txt', 'r')
'name' => 'other_file',
'contents' => 'hello',
'filename' => 'filename.txt',
'headers' => [
'X-Foo' => 'this is an extra header to
use Naka507\Koa\Context;
use Naka507\Koa\Error;
use Naka507\Koa\Timeout;
use Naka507\Koa\Router;
$app = new Application();
$app->υse(new Error());
$app->υse(new Timeout(5));
$router = new Router();
$router->get('/hello', function(Context $ctx) {
$ctx->status = 200;
$ctx->state["title"] = "HELLO WORLD";
$ctx->state["time"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());;
yield $ctx->render(__DIR__ . "/hello.html");
//此处已省略 ...
$router->get('/info', function(Context $ctx) {
$info = array("name" => "小明", "age" => 15);
$ctx->status = 200;
$ctx->state["title"] = "这是一个学生信息";
$ctx->state["info"] = $info;
yield $ctx->render(__DIR__ . "/info.html");
//此处已省略 ...
$router->get('/table', function(Context $ctx) {
$table = array(
array("name" => "小明", "age" => 15),
array("name" => "小花", "age" => 13),
array("name" => "小刚", "age" => 17)
$ctx->status = 200;
$ctx->state["title"] = "这是一个学生名单";
$ctx->state["table"] = $table;
yield $ctx->render(__DIR__ . "/table.html");
ned('DS') or define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
use Naka507\Koa\Application;
use Naka507\Koa\Context;
use Naka507\Koa\Error;
use Naka507\Koa\Timeout;
use Naka507\Koa\NotFound;
use Naka507\Koa\Router;
//静态文件处理 中间件
use Naka507\Koa\StaticFiles;
$app = new Application();
$app->υse(new Error());
$app->υse(new Timeout(5));
$app->υse(new NotFound());
$app->υse(new StaticFiles(__DIR__ . DS . "static" ));
$router = new Router();
$router->get('/index', function(Context $ctx, $next) {
$ctx->status = 200;
yield $ctx->render(__DIR__ . "/index.html");
namespace Models;
use think\Model;
class User extends Model
namespace Middlewares;
use Naka507\Koa\Middleware;
use Naka507\Koa\Context;
class BodyJson implements Middleware
public function __construct(){
public function __invoke(Context $ctx, $next){
yield $next;
$pos = strpos($ctx->accept,'json');
if ( $pos !== false ) {
$ctx->type = 'application/json';
$result = [ "code" => 0, "msg" => '操作失败'];
$data = $ctx->body;
if ( $data ) {
$result['code'] = 200;
$result['msg'] = '操作成功';
$result['data'] = $data;
$ctx->body = json_encode( $result );