PHP code example of nadar / quill-delta-parser

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download nadar/quill-delta-parser library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


nadar / quill-delta-parser example snippets

// Ensure to load the autoload file from Composer somewhere in your application.
ray or JSON string).
$lexer = new \nadar\quill\Lexer($json);

// Echo the HTML for the given JSON ops.
echo $lexer->render();

class Mention extends InlineListener
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function process(Line $line)
        // Check if input is JSON, decodes to an array, and checks if the key "mention" 
        // exists. If yes, return the value for this key.
        $mention = $line->insertJsonKey('mention');
        if ($mention) {
            // Apply the inline behavior, updates the content and append to the next "block" element.
            // The value in this example would be "<strong>Basil</strong>".
            $this->updateInput($line, '<strong>'.$mention['value'].'</strong>');

$lexer = new Lexer($json);
$lexer->registerListener(new Mention());
echo $lexer->render();

$image = new Image();

$image->wrapper = '<img src="{src}" class="my-image" />';

// Override the default listener behavior for image color:
$lexer = new Lexer($json);
echo $lexer->render();

$mySuperClass = new class() extends Image {
  // Here is the custom class code ...

$lexer->overwriteListener(new Image(), $mySuperClass);

class MySuperDuperImageClass extends Image
    // Here is the custom class code ...

$lexer->overwriteListener(new Image(), new MySuperDuperImageClass());

$lexer = new Lexer($json);
$lexer->render(); // Make sure to run the render before calling debugPrint().
$debug = new Debug($lexer);
echo $debug->debugPrint();
<p>This is the PHP Quill <strong>parser</strong>!</p>