PHP code example of n0nag0n / fatfree-permissions

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download n0nag0n/fatfree-permissions library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


n0nag0n / fatfree-permissions example snippets

// bootstrap code
$f3 = Base::instance();

// some code 

// then you probably have something that tells you who the current role is of the person
// likely you have something like $f3->get('SESSION.user.role'); which defines this
// after someone logs in, otherwise they will have a 'guest' or 'public' role.
$current_role = 'admin';

// setup permissions
$Permissions = \n0nag0n\Permissions::instance($current_role);
$Permissions->defineRule('logged_in', function(Base $f3, $current_role) {
	return $current_role !== 'guest';

// You'll likely want to attach to this the hive
$f3->set('Permissions', $Permissions);
// or you can just call it on it's own cause it extends itself
// \n0nag0n\Permissions::instance()->can('somePermission');


public function getOrder(Base $f3, array $args = []) {
	// check if the user is logged in
	if (!$f3->get('Permissions')->is('logged_in')) {
		// if not, redirect them to the login page
	// otherwise, show them the order page
	// ...

// bootstrap code
$f3 = Base::instance();

$current_role = 'manager';

// setup permissions in a CRUD like context
$Permissions = \n0nag0n\Permissions::instance($current_role);

// additionally you can inject additional dependencies into the closure/class->method
$Permissions->defineRule('order', function(Base $f3, $current_role, My_Dependency $My_Dependency = null) {
	$allowed_permissions = [ 'read' ]; // everyone can view an order
	if($current_role === 'manager' && $My_Dependency->something === 'something') {
		$allowed_permissions[] = 'create'; // managers can create orders
	$some_special_toggle_from_db = $f3->get('DB')->exec('SELECT some_special_toggle FROM settings WHERE id = ?', [ $f3->get('SESSION.user_id') ])[0]['some_special_toggle'];
	if($some_special_toggle_from_db) {
		$allowed_permissions[] = 'update'; // if the user has a special toggle, they can update orders
	if($current_role === 'admin') {
		$allowed_permissions[] = 'delete'; // admins can delete orders
	return $allowed_permissions;

// You'll likely want to attach to this the hive
$f3->set('Permissions', $Permissions);


public function deleteOrder(Base $f3, array $args = []) {

	$My_Dependency = new My_Dependency('something');

	// check if the user can delete an order
	// notice where you inject the dependency
	if (!$f3->get('Permissions')->can('order.delete', $My_Dependency)) {
		// if not, redirect them to the orders page gracefully
	// otherwise, delete the order page
	// ...

namespace MyApp;

class Permissions {

	public function order(Base $f3, string $current_role, My_Dependency $My_Dependency = null) {
		// ... code

// bootstrap code
$Permissions = \n0nag0n\Permissions::instance($current_role);
$Permissions->defineRule('order', 'MyApp\Permissions->order');

// myapp/Permissions.php
namespace MyApp;

class Permissions {

	public function order(Base $f3, string $current_role) {
		$allowed_permissions = [ 'read' ]; // everyone can view an order
		if($current_role === 'manager') {
			$allowed_permissions[] = 'create'; // managers can create orders
		$some_special_toggle_from_db = $f3->get('DB')->exec('SELECT some_special_toggle FROM settings WHERE id = ?', [ $f3->get('SESSION.user_id') ])[0]['some_special_toggle'];
		if($some_special_toggle_from_db) {
			$allowed_permissions[] = 'update'; // if the user has a special toggle, they can update orders
		if($current_role === 'admin') {
			$allowed_permissions[] = 'delete'; // admins can delete orders
		return $allowed_permissions;

$Permissions = \n0nag0n\Permissions::instance($current_role);
$Permissions->defineRulesFromClassMethods(MyApp\Permissions::class, 3600); // 3600 is how many seconds to cache this for. Leave this off to not use caching