PHP code example of mzh / hyperf-jwt

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mzh/hyperf-jwt library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mzh / hyperf-jwt example snippets

php bin/hyperf.php jwt:publish --config

namespace App\Controller;
use \Mzh\JwtAuth\Jwt;
class IndexController extends Controller
    # 模拟登录,获取token
    public function login(Jwt $jwt)
           #用法1 对象模式

            $jwtData = new JwtBuilder();
            #... 设置更多token属性

            #... 设置data数据
            $jwtData->setJwtData(['uid' => 123,'type' => 1111,'group' => 1]);

            #返回 JwtBuilder对象
            $tokenObj = $jwt->createToken($jwtData);


            #用法2 传入数组 
            #返回 JwtBuilder对象
            $tokenObj = $jwt->createToken(['uid' => $id,'type' => $type,'group' => $group]);


          #获取刷新token 传入数组  第一个参数为数据,第二个参数为类型,默认是access 可以定义为 refersh 或者其他类型自定义
            #返回 JwtBuilder对象  
            $tokenObj = $jwt->createToken(['uid' => $id,'type' => $type,'group' => $group],Jwt::SCOPE_REFRESH);

        return $tokenObj->getToken();