PHP code example of mwdelaney / acf-flexible-content-blocks

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mwdelaney/acf-flexible-content-blocks library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mwdelaney / acf-flexible-content-blocks example snippets

`{r, engine='php', count_lines}
add_theme_support( 'flexible-content-blocks', array( 'content', 'content-with-media' ) );
`{r, engine='php', count_lines}
 $landing_page_templates = array(
   array (
     array (
       'param' => 'post_type',
       'operator' => '==',
       'value' => 'page',
     array (
       'param' => 'page_template',
       'operator' => '!=',
       'value' => 'template-no-header-image.php',
 add_theme_support( 'flexible-content-location', $landing_page_templates );
add_filter( 'fcb_bg_colors', 'custom_bg_colors');
function custom_bg_colors($array) {
    $array['secondary'] = 'Secondary';
    return $array;
add_filter( 'fcb_btn_colors', 'custom_btn_colors');
function custom_btn_colors($array) {
    $array['secondary'] = 'Secondary';
    return $array;
`{r, engine='php', count_lines}
* Make the first block title an h1 and subsequent blocks default to h2
remove_filter( 'fcb_set_block_htag', 'block_htag_level', 10 );
add_filter( 'fcb_set_block_htag', 'custom_htag_level', 10, 2 );
function custom_htag_level($title, $htag) {
    if($GLOBALS['fcb_rows_count'] == 0) {
        $htag = 'h1';
    } else {
        $htag = 'h2';
    return '<' . $htag . '>' . $title . '</' . $htag . '>';
`{r, engine='php', count_lines}
* Give the first block an additional class of 'block-first'
add_filter( 'fcb_set_block_wrapper_classes', 'custom_block_wrapper_classes' );
function custom_block_wrapper_classes($classes) {
    if($GLOBALS['fcb_rows_count'] == 0) {
        $classes[]   = 'block-wrapper-first';
    return $classes;
`{r, engine='php', count_lines}
* Give the first block an additional class of 'block-first'
add_filter( 'fcb_set_block_classes', 'custom_block_classes' );
function custom_block_classes($classes) {
    if($GLOBALS['fcb_rows_count'] == 0) {
        $classes[]   = 'block-first';
    return $classes;
`{r, engine='php', count_lines}
* Give the first block an ugly green border
add_filter( 'fcb_set_block_wrapper_styles', 'custom_block_styles' );
function custom_block_styles($styles) {
    if($GLOBALS['fcb_rows_count'] == 0) {
        $styles[]   = 'border: 1px solid green;';
return $styles;
 * Add layouts to ACFFCB

 function my_layouts() {
  // The name of the class we keep our layouts in
 	return 'myLayouts';

add_action( 'acf/init', function() {
  // Remove the plugin's set default set of layouts
	 remove_filter ('fcb_get_layouts',  'fcb_layouts_class', 99, 2);
	 // Add my own layouts
	 add_filter ('fcb_get_layouts',  'my_layouts', 99, 2);

// Extend the original class to  (
     'key' => __FUNCTION__,
     'name' => 'call_to_action',
     'label' => 'Call to Action',
     'display' => 'block',
      'sub_fields' => array (
       // Call to Action
       // Tab Endpoint