PHP code example of mvccore / ext-router-localization
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mvccore/ext-router-localization library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
mvccore / ext-router-localization example snippets
$app = \MvcCore\Application::GetInstance();
// to get router instance for next configuration:
/** @var \MvcCore\Ext\Routers\Localization $router */
$router = \MvcCore\Router::GetInstance();
// If you want to add automatically localized route very easily,
// you can use only definition like this to define router key with
// `Namespace\Controller:Action` and `pattern` as '/something'
'Admin\Index:Index' => '/admin',
// Localized route with automatically completed `match`
// and `reverse` records from `pattern` record:
'Front\Products:List' => [
'pattern' => [
'en' => "/products-list[/<page>]",
'de' => "/produkte-liste[/<page>]",
'defaults' => ['page' => 1],
'constraints' => ['page' => '\d+'],
// Localized route with explicitly defined `match` and `reverse`
// records with also localized `defaults` values:
'Front\Products:Detail' => [
'match' => [
'en' => '#^/product/(?<id>\d+)(/(?<color>[a-z]+))?/?#',
'de' => '#^/produkt/(?<id>\d+)(/(?<color>[a-z]+))?/?#'
'reverse' => [
'en' => '/product/<id>[/<color>]',
'de' => '/produkt/<id>[/<color>]'
'defaults' => [
'en' => ['color' => 'red'],
'de' => ['color' => 'rot'],
// Automatically localized route, `pattern` record and later
// `match` and `reverse` records are defined for all localizations
// with the same values `/<path>`, `constraints` are never localized:
'Front\Index:Index' => [
'pattern' => '/<path>',
// constraints are never localized:
'constraints' => ['path' => '[-a-zA-Z0-9_/]+']
// Browsers preferring UK, USA or Canada are considered as `en-US` locale to send
'en-US' => ['en-GB', 'en-CA', 'en-AU'],
// Browsers preferring Slovak are considered as `cs-CZ` locale to send
'cs-CZ' => ['sk-SK'], // Czech and Slovak
$router->AddLocalizationEquivalents(/*... same param syntax as method above*/);
// somewhere in Bootstrap.php:
'Front\Product:Detail' => [
'pattern' => [
'en' '/product/<id>',
'de' '/produkt/<id>',
'constraints' => [
'id' => '\d+',
// somewhere in template or in controller (if router has matched localization `de-DE`):
$this->Url('Front\Product:Detail', [
'id' => 50
// will return: `/de-DE/produkt/50`
// somewhere in Bootstrap.php:
'admin' => [
'pattern' => '/admin/<controller>/<action>[/<id>]',
'constraints' => [
'controller' => '-a-z0-9',
'action' => '-a-z0-9',
'id' => '\d+',
// somewhere in template or in controller (if router has matched any localization):
$this->Url('admin', [
'controller' => 'products',
'action' => 'update',
'id' => 50
// will return: `/admin/products/update/50`
$router->SetLocalization('de', 'DE');
// anywhere you have $router instance:
$router->Url('Front\Product:Detail', ['id' => 50]); // `/de-DE/produkt/50`
// or somewhere in template or in controller:
$this->Url('Front\Product:Detail', ['id' => 50]); // `/de-DE/produkt/50`