PHP code example of mvccore / ext-modelform

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mvccore/ext-modelform library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mvccore / ext-modelform example snippets

namespace App;

class Bootstrap {
	public static function Init (): \MvcCore\Application {
		// ...		
		// PHP 8+ and Attributes anotations are not enabled by default:

		// ...

namespace App\Models;

use \MvcCore\Ext\Models\Db\Attrs;

class Album extends \MvcCore\Ext\Models\Db\Models\MySql {

	use \MvcCore\Ext\ModelForms\Models\Features;

	#[Attrs\Column('id_album'), Attrs\KeyPrimary]
	protected int $idAlbum;

	#[Attrs\Column('title'), Attrs\KeyUnique]
		'label'		=> 'Title',
		'maxLength'	=> 200,
	protected string $title;

		'label'		=> 'Interpret',
		'maxLength'	=> 200,
	protected string $interpret;

		'label'		=> 'Year',
		'min'		=> 1900,
		'max'		=> 2030,
	protected ?int $year;

	// ...getters and setters could be anything...

	public function GetIdAlbum (): int {
		return $this->idAlbum;

	public static function GetById (int $id): ?static {
		return self::GetConnection()
				"SELECT c.*		",
				"FROM cds c		",
				"WHERE c.id_album = :id;",
			->FetchOne([':id' => $id])

namespace App\Controllers;

use App\Models;

class CdCollection extends \MvcCore\Controller {

	protected ?\MvcCore\Ext\ModelForms\Form $form = NULL;

	protected ?\App\Models\Album $album = NULL;
	public function CreateAction (): void {
		$this->view->form = $this->form;

	public function EditAction (): void {
		$this->view->form = $this->form;

	public function SubmitCreateAction () {
	public function SubmitEditAction () {

	protected function initAlbumByParam () {
		$id = $this->GetParam('id', '[0-9]', NULL, 'int');
		if ($id === NULL) throw new \Exception("Album not found.");
		$this->album = \App\Models\Album::GetById($id);

	protected function submit () {

	protected function createForm (bool $createNew): void {
		$this->form = new \MvcCore\Ext\ModelForms\Form;
		if ($createNew) {
		} else {
			$urlParams = ['id' => $this->album->GetIdAlbum()];
			$this->form->SetAction($this->Url(':SubmitEdit', $urlParams));
			$this->form->SetErrorUrl($this->Url(':Edit', $urlParams));

namespace App\Models;

 * @table cds
class Album extends \MvcCore\Ext\Models\Db\Models\MySql {

	 * @var int 
	 * @column idAlbum 
	 * @keyPrimary
	protected $idAlbum;

	 * @var string 
	 * @column title
	 * @keyUnique
	 * @validator Text({
	 *	"label"	    : "Title",
	 *	"maxLength": 200,
	 * })
		'label'		=> 'Title',
		'maxLength'	=> 200,
	protected $title;

	 * @var string 
	 * @column interpret
	 * @validator Text({
	 *	"label"	    : "Interpret",
	 *	"maxLength": 200,
	 * })
	protected $interpret;

	 * @var ?int 
	 * @column year
	 * @field Number({
	 * 	"label":"Year",
	 * 	"min"  :1900,
	 * 	"max"  :2030
	 * })
	 * @validator Clear, IntNumber
	protected $year = NULL;

	// ...getters and setters could be anything...

	/** @return int */
	public function GetIdAlbum () {
		return $this->idAlbum;

	 * @param int $id
	 * @return \App\Models\Album|NULL
	public static function GetById ($id) {
		return self::GetConnection()
				"SELECT c.*		",
				"FROM cds c		",
				"WHERE c.id_album = :id;",
			->FetchOne([':id' => $id])