PHP code example of muqsit / asynciterator

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download muqsit/asynciterator library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


muqsit / asynciterator example snippets

/** @var Plugin $plugin */
$handler = new AsyncIterator($plugin->getScheduler());

$handler->forEach(new ArrayIterator([1, 2]))
->as(function(int $key, int $value) : AsyncForeachResult{
	echo "First ", $value;
	return AsyncForeachResult::CONTINUE();
->as(function(int $key, int $value) : AsyncForeachResult{
	echo "Second ", $value;
	return AsyncForeachResult::CONTINUE();

$entries_per_tick = 4;
$sleep_time = 1; // in ticks
AsyncIterator::forEach(new InfiniteIterator(new ArrayIterator([1, 2, 3])), $entries_per_tick, $sleep_time)
->as(function(int $key, int $value) : AsyncForeachResult{
	echo $value, ", ";
	return AsyncForeachResult::CONTINUE();

$handler->forEach(new ArrayIterator([1, 2, 3]))
->as(function(int $key, int $value) : AsyncForeachResult{
	echo $value;
	return AsyncForeachResult::CONTINUE();
->onCompletion(function() : void{ echo "Completed"; })

$handler->forEach(new ArrayIterator([1, 2, 3]))
->as(function(int $key, int $value) : AsyncForeachResult{
	echo $value;
	return $value === 2 ? AsyncForeachResult::INTERRUPT() : AsyncForeachResult::CONTINUE();
->onCompletion(function() : void{ echo "Completed"; })
->onInterruption(function() : void{ echo "Interrupted"; });

$handler->forEach(new ArrayIterator([1, 2, 3]))
->as(function(int $key, int $value) : AsyncForeachResult{
	echo $value;
	return AsyncForeachResult::CONTINUE();
->onCompletion(function() : void{ echo "Completed"; })
->onInterruption(function() : void{ echo "Interrupted"; });

$foreach_task = $handler->forEach(new ArrayIterator([1, 2, 3]))
->as(function(int $key, int $value) : AsyncForeachResult{
	echo $value;
	return AsyncForeachResult::CONTINUE();
->onCompletion(function() : void{ echo "Completed"; })
->onInterruption(function() : void{ echo "Interrupted"; });

TaskScheduler::scheduleDelayedTask(function() use($foreach_task) : void{
}, ticks: 2);

$foreach_task = $handler->forEach(new ArrayIterator([1, 2, 3]))
->as(function(int $key, int $value) : AsyncForeachResult{
	echo $value;
	return AsyncForeachResult::CONTINUE();
->onCompletion(function() : void{ echo "Completed"; })
->onInterruption(function() : void{ echo "Interrupted"; });

TaskScheduler::scheduleDelayedTask(function() use($foreach_task) : void{
}, ticks: 2);