PHP code example of muhammadhuzaifa / telescope-guzzle-watcher

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download muhammadhuzaifa/telescope-guzzle-watcher library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


muhammadhuzaifa / telescope-guzzle-watcher example snippets

return [

    | Except Request Headers
    | This value is used when you need to exclude the request headers from
    | being recorded under the telescope. You can exclude any number of
    | headers containing sensitive information

    'except_request_headers' => [],

    | Except Response Headers
    | This value is used when you need to exclude the response headers from
    | being recorded under the telescope. You can exclude any number of
    | headers containing sensitive information

    'except_response_headers' => [],

    | Enable URI Tags
    | This value is used for determining wether the watcher should parse the url
    | and add it's segments as telescope tags

    'enable_uri_tags' => true,

    | Exclude words from URI tags
    | This value is used when you need to exclude words or patterns that should
    | be excluded from the tags list

    'exclude_words_from_uri_tags' => [],

    | Content Size Limit
    | This value is used when you need to limit the response content.
    | Default is 64.

    'size_limit' => null,

return [
    // other telescope configurations

$client = app(\GuzzleHttp\Client::class); // will work
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(); // will not work
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="telescope-guzzle-watcher-config"