PHP code example of muffin / throttle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download muffin/throttle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


muffin / throttle example snippets

'throttle' => [
    'className' => 'Apcu',
    'prefix' => 'throttle_'

public function middleware(MiddlewareQueue $middlewareQueue): MiddlewareQueue
    // Various other middlewares for error handling, routing etc. added here.

    $throttleMiddleware = new \Muffin\Throttle\Middleware\ThrottleMiddleware([
        // Data used to generate response with HTTP code 429 when limit is exceeded.
        'response' => [
            'body' => 'Rate limit exceeded',
        // Time period as number of seconds
        'period' => 60,
        // Number of requests allowed within the above time period
        'limit' => 100,
        // Client identifier
        'identifier' => function ($request) {
            if (!empty($request->getHeaderLine('Authorization'))) {
                return str_replace('Bearer ', '', $request->getHeaderLine('Authorization'));

            return $request->clientIp();


    return $middlewareQueue;

    function ($event, $request) {
        if (/* check for something here, most likely using $request */) {

    function ($event, $request, \Muffin\Throttle\ValueObject\ThrottleInfo $throttle) {
        // Set a different period for POST request.
        if ($request->is('POST')) {
            // This will change the cache key from default "{identifer}" to "{identifer}.post".

        // Modify limit for logged in user
        $identity = $request->getAttribute('identity');
        if ($identity) {

    function ($event, \Muffin\Throttle\ValueObject\RateLimitInfo $rateLimit, int $ttl, \Muffin\Throttle\ValueObject\ThrottleInfo $throttleInfo) {
        \Cake\Log\Log::debug(sprintf("key(%s) remaining(%d) resetTimestamp(%d) ttl(%d)", $throttleInfo->getKey(), $rateLimit->getRemaining(), $rateLimit->getResetTimestamp(), $ttl));

'headers' => [
    'limit' => 'X-MyRateLimit-Limit',
    'remaining' => 'X-MyRateLimit-Remaining',
    'reset' => 'X-MyRateLimit-Reset',

new \Muffin\Throttle\Middleware\ThrottleMiddleware([
    'response' => [
        'body' => json_encode(['error' => 'Rate limit exceeded']),
        'type' => 'json',
        'headers' => [
            'Custom-Header' => 'custom_value',
    'limit' => 300,