PHP code example of mtsung / twdd.location

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mtsung/twdd.location library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mtsung / twdd.location example snippets


use Mtsung\TwddLocation\Facade\TwddLocation;

$res = TwddLocation::getCity(25.03375, 121.564879);
array:2 [
  "city_code" => "63000"
  "city_name" => "臺北市"

$res = TwddLocation::getDistrict(25.077741, 121.574829);
array:4 [
  "city_code" => "63000"
  "city_name" => "臺北市"
  "district_code" => "63000100"
  "district_name" => "內湖區"
  "zip_code" => "114"

$res = TwddLocation::getCity(34.92475,135.79863);
// null

$res = TwddLocation::getDistrict(39.256422, 140.986340);
// null

use Mtsung\TwddLocation\Facade\TwddDistrict;

$res = TwddDistrict::getInfoByZipCode(238);
array:5 [
  "city_code" => "65000"
  "city_name" => "新北市"
  "district_code" => "65000070"
  "district_name" => "樹林區"
  "zip_code" => "238"

$res = TwddDistrict::getInfoByZipCode(114);
array:5 [
  "city_code" => "63000"
  "city_name" => "臺北市"
  "district_code" => "63000100"
  "district_name" => "內湖區"
  "zip_code" => "114"

$res = TwddDistrict::getInfoByZipCode(9999);
// null

$res = TwddDistrict::getInfoByDistrictCode(67000300);
array:5 [
  "city_code" => "67000"
  "city_name" => "臺南市"
  "district_code" => "67000300"
  "district_name" => "龍崎區"
  "zip_code" => "719"

$res = TwddDistrict::getInfoByDistrictCode(9999);
// null