PHP code example of mts88 / laravel-zipkin

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mts88/laravel-zipkin library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mts88 / laravel-zipkin example snippets


'Zipkin'       => Mts88\LaravelZipkin\Facades\Zipkin,

php artisan vendor:publish


'api' => [
	// Others middleware

class MyApiController extends ZipkinBaseController{
// My Api Methods

use Mts88\LaravelZipkin\Services\ZipkinService;

class MyAwesomeController extends Controller{
	public  function  __construct(ZipkinService  $zipkinService)
		// Do something with $zipkinService

use Mts88\LaravelZipkin\Controllers\ZipkinBaseController;

class MyAwesomeController  extends  ZipkinBaseController {
	// My Awesome Methods

use Mts88\LaravelZipkin\Services\ZipkinService;
use Mts88\LaravelZipkin\Controllers\ZipkinBaseController;

class MyAwesomeController extends ZipkinBaseController{

	public  function  __construct(ZipkinService  $zipkinService)
		// Do something with your override

	// zipkinService instance

$this->zipkinService = new ZipkinService(); // or you can access in others way

// Create trace
$this->zipkinService->setTracer('my_trace_name', $request->ip());

$tags = [
	"my_value1" => "hello",
	"my_value2" => "world"

// Create RootSpan
$this->zipkinService->createRootSpan('root_span_of_request', $tags);

// Set Annotation
$this->zipkinService->setRootSpanAnnotation('my_annotation_1', \Zipkin\Timestamp\Timestamp\now());

// Dedicated Tags Methods
$this->zipkinService->setRootSpanMethod('GET') // Method of request
	->setRootSpanPath('/') // Path of request
	->setRootSpanStatusCode("200") // Response Code Server
	->setRootAuthUser(Auth::user()); // User that perform request
// Insert others tags
$this->setRootSpanTag('my_value3', "ciao")
	->setRootSpanTag('my_value4', "mondo");

// Close rootSpan and tracer

// Create tracer
$tracing = $this->zipkinService->createTracing('child_span_tracing', $request->ip());
$tracer = $tracing->getTracer(); 

// Create Span
$span = $tracer->nextSpan($this->zipkinService->getRootSpanContext());
$span->annotate("Start", \Zipkin\Timestamp\Timestamp\now());
$span->setName('Child span method');

// Create Tag for Child Span
$span->tag("my_tag_1", 'Hello');
$span->tag("my_tag_2", 'World');
// Make annotation
$span->annotate("End", \Zipkin\Timestamp\Timestamp\now());

// Close Span