PHP code example of mtownsend / remove-bg

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mtownsend/remove-bg library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mtownsend / remove-bg example snippets

 * Package Service Providers...


use Mtownsend\RemoveBg\RemoveBg;

$absoluteUrl = '';
$pathToFile = 'images/avatar.jpg';
$base64EncodedFile = base64_encode(file_get_contents($pathToFile));

$removebg = new RemoveBg($apiKey);

// Directly saving files

// Getting the file's raw contents to save or do something else with
$rawUrl = $removebg->url($absoluteUrl)->get();
$rawFile = $removebg->file($pathToFile)->get();
$rawBase64 = $removebg->base64($base64EncodedFile)->get();

file_put_contents('path/to/your/file4.png', $rawUrl);
// etc...

// Getting the file's base64 encoded contents from the api
$base64Url = $removebg->url($absoluteUrl)->getBase64();
$base64File = $removebg->file($pathToFile)->getBase64();
$base64Base64 = $removebg->base64($base64EncodedFile)->getBase64();

file_put_contents('path/to/your/file5.png', base64_decode($base64Url));
// etc...

// Please note: returns all images in .png format, so you should be saving all files received from the api as .png.

$removebg = new RemoveBg($apiKey);

// Directly saving files
    'size' => '4k', // regular, medium, hd, 4k, auto
    'bg_color' => '#CBD5E0',
    'add_shadow' => true, // primarily used for automotive photos as of the time this documentation was written
    'channels' => 'rgba', // rgba, alpha

$removebg = new RemoveBg($apiKey);

// Directly saving files
    'X-Foo-Header' => 'Some Bar Value',
    'X-Foo-Header-2' => 'Some Bar Value 2',

$removebg = new RemoveBg($apiKey);

$account = $removebg->account();

// $account will be something like this:
  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "credits": {
        "total": 200,
        "subscription": 150,
        "payg": 50
      "api": {
        "free_calls": 50,
        "sizes": "all"

$removebg = new RemoveBg($apiKey);

$account = $removebg->account();

if ($account->data->attributes->credits->total >= 1) {


'RemoveBg' => Mtownsend\RemoveBg\Facades\RemoveBg::class,

use RemoveBg;

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mtownsend\RemoveBg\Providers\RemoveBgServiceProvider"