PHP code example of mtgofa / laravel-fawrypay

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mtgofa/laravel-fawrypay library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mtgofa / laravel-fawrypay example snippets

return [

    | FawryPay Enviroment
    | should be on of this ('TEST','LIVE').

    'enviroment' => 'TEST',

    | FawryPay Credentials (Test)
    | use your fawrypay test credentials
    'merchant_code_test' => '',
    'secure_key_test' => '',

    | FawryPay Credentials (LIVE)
    | use your fawrypay live credentials
    'merchant_code' => '',
    'secure_key' => '',
    | FawryPay Expiry
    | use 1 for one hour, 24 for one day, 72 for 3 days and etc
    'expiry_in_hours' => '72',

use MTGofa\FawryPay\FawryPay;

public function generate(){
    $fawryPay = new FawryPay;

    //optional if you have the customer data
    	'customerProfileId' => '1',
    	'name'              => 'Mohamed Tarek',
    	'email'             => '[email protected]',
    	'mobile'            => '010******',
    //you can add this method info foreach if you have multible items
    	'productSKU'    => '1', //item id
    	'description'   => 'Order 100001 Invoice', //item name
    	'price'         => '50.00', //item price
    	'quantity'      => '1', //item quantity

    //generatePayURL('your order unique id','your order discription','success url','failed url')
    $pay_url = $fawryPay->generatePayURL('100001','Order 100001 Invoice','http://success_url','http://failed_url');
    return redirect($pay_url);

use MTGofa\FawryPay\FawryPay;

public function callback(){

    $ref_id = NULL;
    if(request('merchantRefNum')){ //fawry failed
        $ref_id = request('merchantRefNum');
    } elseif(request('MerchantRefNo')){ //fawry ipn
        $ref_id = request('MerchantRefNo');
    } elseif(request('chargeResponse')){ //fawry response is success
        $chargeResponse = json_decode(request('chargeResponse'));
        $ref_id = isset($chargeResponse->merchantRefNumber)?$chargeResponse->merchantRefNumber:NULL;

    if(!$ref_id) return abort('404');

    $response = (new FawryPay)->checkStatus($ref_id);
    if (isset($response->paymentStatus) and $response->paymentStatus=='PAID') { //paid
        dd('Paid Successfully',$response);
    } else {

namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken as Middleware;

class VerifyCsrfToken extends Middleware
     * The URIs that should be excluded from CSRF verification.
     * @var array
    protected $except = [

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MTGofa\FawryPay\FawryPayServiceProvider"