PHP code example of msaaq / nelc-xapi-php-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download msaaq/nelc-xapi-php-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


msaaq / nelc-xapi-php-sdk example snippets

use Msaaq\Nelc\ApiClient;

$client = new ApiClient(
    key: 'username', // lt is false

$platform = new \Msaaq\Nelc\Common\Platform($identifier = 'platform-identifier', $name = 'platform-name', $language = \Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\Language::ARABIC); // 

use Msaaq\Nelc\StatementClient;

$statementClient = StatementClient::setClient($client)->setPlatform($platform);

use Msaaq\Nelc\Common\Actor;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Common\Instructor;

$actor = new Actor();
$actor->national_id = '123456789';
$actor->email = '[email protected]';

$instructor = new Instructor();
$instructor->email = '[email protected]';
$instructor->name = 'Instructor Name';

use Msaaq\Nelc\Common\Module;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\ActivityType;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\Language;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Statements\RegisteredStatement;

$statement = new RegisteredStatement();
$statement->language = Language::ENGLISH;
$statement->timestamp = '2022-09-14T10:33:43+03:00';

$statement->actor = $actor;
$statement->instructor = $instructor;

$statement->module = new Module();
$statement->module->url = '';
$statement->module->title = 'How to create professional course';
$statement->module->description = 'This series will cover the most important principles of course making, marketing and content preparation.';
$statement->module->language = $statement->language;
$statement->module->activityType = ActivityType::COURSE;


use Msaaq\Nelc\Common\Module;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\ActivityType;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\Language;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Statements\InitializedStatement;

$statement = new InitializedStatement();
$statement->language = Language::ENGLISH;
$statement->timestamp = '2022-09-14T10:33:43+03:00';

$statement->actor = $actor;
$statement->instructor = $instructor;

$statement->module = new Module();
$statement->module->url = '';
$statement->module->title = 'How to create professional course';
$statement->module->description = 'This series will cover the most important principles of course making, marketing and content preparation.';
$statement->module->language = $statement->language;
$statement->module->activityType = ActivityType::COURSE;


use Msaaq\Nelc\Common\Module;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Common\BrowserInformation;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\ActivityType;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\Language;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Statements\WatchedStatement;

$statement = new WatchedStatement();
$statement->language = Language::ENGLISH;
$statement->timestamp = '2022-09-14T10:33:43+03:00';

$browserInformation = new BrowserInformation();
$browserInformation->family = 'Mozilla';
$browserInformation->name = 'Firefox';
$browserInformation->version = '92.0';

$statement->browserInformation = $browserInformation;

$statement->actor = $actor;
$statement->instructor = $instructor;

// Our parent module is the course
$parent = new Module();
$parent->url = '';
$parent->title = 'How to create professional course';
$parent->description = 'This series will cover the most important principles of course making, marketing and content preparation.';
$parent->language = $statement->language;
$parent->activityType = ActivityType::COURSE;

$statement->parent = $parent;

// Our module is the video
$statement->module = new Module();
$statement->module->url = '';
$statement->module->title = 'Introduction to creating training courses';
$statement->module->description = 'In this video, we will talk about the importance of creating training courses and the benefits of doing so.';
$statement->module->language = $statement->language;
$statement->module->activityType = ActivityType::VIDEO;
// Duration in seconds, 

use Msaaq\Nelc\Common\Module;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Common\Score;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\ActivityType;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\Language;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Statements\AttemptedStatement;

$statement = new AttemptedStatement();
$statement->language = Language::ENGLISH;
$statement->timestamp = '2022-09-14T10:33:43+03:00';

$statement->browserInformation = $browserInformation;

$statement->actor = $actor;
$statement->instructor = $instructor;

// Our parent module is the course
$statement->parent = $parent;

// Our module is the video
$statement->module = new Module();
$statement->module->url = '';
$statement->module->title = 'Quiz title';
$statement->module->description = 'Quiz description';
$statement->module->language = $statement->language;
$statement->module->activityType = ActivityType::UNIT_TEST;
// score 

use Msaaq\Nelc\Common\Module;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\ActivityType;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\Language;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Statements\CompletedStatement;

$statement = new CompletedStatement();
$statement->language = Language::ENGLISH;
$statement->timestamp = '2022-09-14T10:33:43+03:00';

$statement->browserInformation = $browserInformation;

$statement->actor = $actor;
$statement->instructor = $instructor;

// Our parent module is the course
$statement->parent = $parent;

// Our module is the video
$statement->module = new Module();
$statement->module->url = '';
$statement->module->title = 'Unit title';
$statement->module->description = 'Unit description';
$statement->module->language = $statement->language;
$statement->module->activityType = ActivityType::MODULE;


use Msaaq\Nelc\Common\Module;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\ActivityType;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\Language;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Statements\ProgressedStatement;

$statement = new ProgressedStatement();
$statement->language = Language::ENGLISH;
$statement->timestamp = '2022-09-14T10:33:43+03:00';

$statement->actor = $actor;
$statement->instructor = $instructor;

// Our module is the course
$statement->module = new Module();
$statement->module->url = '';
$statement->module->title = 'How to create professional course';
$statement->module->description = 'This series will cover the most important principles of course making, marketing and content preparation.';
$statement->module->language = $statement->language;
$statement->module->activityType = ActivityType::COURSE;

$score = new \Msaaq\Nelc\Common\Score();
$score->score = 15; // the student has progressed 15% of the course

$statement->module->score = $score;

$statement->completed = false;


use Msaaq\Nelc\Common\Module;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\ActivityType;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\Language;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Statements\CompletedStatement;

$statement = new CompletedStatement();
$statement->language = Language::ENGLISH;
$statement->timestamp = '2022-09-14T10:33:43+03:00';

$statement->actor = $actor;
$statement->instructor = $instructor;

// Our module is the course
$statement->module = new Module();
$statement->module->url = '';
$statement->module->title = 'How to create professional course';
$statement->module->description = 'This series will cover the most important principles of course making, marketing and content preparation.';
$statement->module->language = $statement->language;
$statement->module->activityType = ActivityType::COURSE;


use Msaaq\Nelc\Common\Module;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Common\Score;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\ActivityType;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\Language;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Statements\RatedStatement;

$statement = new RatedStatement();
$statement->language = Language::ENGLISH;
$statement->timestamp = '2022-09-14T10:33:43+03:00';

$statement->actor = $actor;
$statement->instructor = $instructor;

// The course that student rated
$statement->module = new Module();
$statement->module->url = '';
$statement->module->title = 'How to create professional course';
$statement->module->description = 'This series will cover the most important principles of course making, marketing and content preparation.';
$statement->module->language = $statement->language;
$statement->module->activityType = ActivityType::COURSE;

$statement->rate = new Score();
$statement->rate->min = 1;
$statement->rate->max = 5;
$statement->rate->score = 3; // 3 stars out of 5

$statement->rateContent = 'This course is very good.';


use Msaaq\Nelc\Common\Module;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Common\Score;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\ActivityType;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Enums\Language;
use Msaaq\Nelc\Statements\EarnedStatement;

$statement = new EarnedStatement();
$statement->language = Language::ENGLISH;
$statement->timestamp = '2022-09-14T10:33:43+03:00';

$statement->actor = $actor;
$statement->instructor = $instructor;

// The course that student earned the certificate
$statement->parent = $parent;

// The certificate that student earned
$statement->module = new Module();
$statement->module->url = '';
$statement->module->title = 'How to create professional course certificate';
$statement->module->description = 'This certificate is awarded to students who completed the course.';
$statement->module->language = $statement->language;
$statement->module->activityType = ActivityType::CERTIFICATE;

$statement->certificateUrl = 'path to download the certificate';
