PHP code example of mrinte / web3-usdt-transfer

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mrinte/web3-usdt-transfer library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mrinte / web3-usdt-transfer example snippets

use MrInte\Web3USDTTransfer;

// 这是向安智能链(BNB Chain) 代币BSC的USDT合约地址;
$data['contractAddress']  = '0x55d398326f99059fF775485246999027B3197955';

$data['contractABI']      = 'ABI的JSON字条串,内容太长,不便显示,下面补充!';
$data['PrivateKey']       = '转出账号的私钥';
$data['fromAccount']      = '转出账号';
$data['ToAddr']           = '接收账号';
$data['payAmount']        = 0.01;       // 转账数额(数值)
$data['ChainUrl']         = '';    // 网络 RPC URL
$data['chainId']          = 56;         // 链 ID (数值)

$Transfer     = new Web3USDTTransfer();
$USDTTransfer = $Transfer->USDTTransfer($data);  // 返回交易哈希址地(USDTTransfer)字符串

use MrInte\Web3USDTTransfer;

// 交易详情对象和数组;
$ChainUrl        = '';    // 网络 RPC URL
$TransactionHash = '交易哈希字条串';

$Transfer    = new Web3USDTTransfer();
$Transaction = $Transfer->getTransferStatus($ChainUrl,$TransactionHash); // 返回交易详情对象和数组