PHP code example of mreschke / repository

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mreschke/repository library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mreschke / repository example snippets

// Single record based on primary key
$user = $this->vfi->user->find(1234);

// Single record based on where statement
$user = $this->vfi->user->where('email', '[email protected]')->first();

// Multi record and wheres
$users = $this->vfi->user->all(); //or ->get() also works
$users = $this->vfi->user->where('disabled', false)->get();
$users = $this->vfi->user->where('state', 'TX')->where('disabled', false)->get();

// Where In
$users = $this->vfi->user->where('id', 'in', [1,2,3,4,5])->get();

// Where NOT In
$users = $this->vfi->user->where('id', '!in', [1,2,3,4,5])->get();

// Like
$users = $this->vfi->user->where('name', 'like', 'bob%')->get();

// NOT Like
$users = $this->vfi->user->where('name', '!like', 'bob%')->get();

// Where null or not null
$users = $this->vfi->user->where('completed', 'null', true)
$users = $this->vfi->user->where('completed', 'null', false)

// Selects and pluck
$users = $this->vfi->user->select('id', 'name')->where('disabled', false)->all();
$users = $this->vfi->user->select('id', 'name')->pluck('name', 'id');

// Ordering records
$users = $this->vfi->user->where('disabled', false)->orderBy('name')->all();

// Counting records at a db level (not result level)
$users = $this->vfi->user->count();
$users = $this->vfi->user->where('disabled', false)->count();

// Limiting records
$users = $this->vfi->user->limit(0, 10)->get();

// Lazy loaded using ->with() method
$user = $this->vfi->user->find(1234)->with('address'); //lazy query happens here
echo $user->address->state;

// Lazy loaded using automatic method
$user = $this->vfi->user->find(1234);
echo $user->address->state; //lazy query happens here

// Lazy loaded in a loop...careful, this is where it gets inefficient as its one query per entity
$users = $this->vfi->user->all();
foreach ($users as $user) {
    echo $user->address->state; //lazy query happens here

// Eager loaded using ->with().  Far more efficient if you need it on multiple objects.
// Notice ->with() is BEFORE ->all() or ->get()
$users = $this->vfi->user->with('address')->all();

// Complex ->with() based query
$query = $this->vfi->client->with('address');
$totalRecords = $query->count(false); //count total before a filter
#$query->select('id', 'name', ', 'address.state'); // this works, so does select * which is default
$query->where('disabled', false);
$query->where('address.state', 'CO');
$query->limit(0, 10);
$results = $query->get();

// Complex ->join() based query
$query = $this->vfi->client->joinAddress();
$totalRecords = $query->count(false); //count total before a filter
$query->select('id', 'name', ', 'address.state'); //

// Lazy loaded attributes using ->with() method
$user = $this->vfi->user->find(1234)->with('attributes'); //lazy query happens here
echo $user->attributes('some-attribute');

// Lazy loaded attributes using automatic method
$user = $this->vfi->user->find(1234);
echo $user->attributes('some-attribute'); //lazy query happens here

// Lazy loaded in a loop...careful, this is where it gets inefficient as its one query per entity
$users = $this->vfi->user->all();
foreach ($users as $user) {
    echo $user->attributes('some-attribute'); //lazy query happens here

// Eager loaded using ->with().  Far more efficient if you need it on multiple objects.
// Notice ->with() is BEFORE ->all() or ->get()
$users = $this->vfi->user->with('attributes')->all();

// Find entity records based on an attribute value
$users = $this->vfi->user->whereAttribute('some-attribute', 'someValue')->get();

// Find entity records that even have this attribute (value is not important)
$users = $this->vfi->user->whereAttribute('some-attribute')->get();

// Setting attributes
$this->vfi->user->find(1234)->attributes('new-attribute', 'new value here');

// Delete attribute (single)

// Delete all attributes
// There is no way to delete all attributes other than looping them all manually
$user = $this->vfi->user->find(1234)->with('attributes');
foreach ($user->attributes as $attribute) {

$newEntities = 'this is an array of your items you want to insert';
foreach ($newEntities as $entity) {
    // Format entities first

    // Save to backend

// Single entity delete
$this->vfi->roItem->where('roNum', 222258)->first()->delete();

// Bulk query builder based delete (most efficient)
// Results in query: DELETE FROM table WHERE techNum = 842
$this->vfi->roItem->where('techNum', 903)->delete();

// Multiple collection of entities
// Results in query: DELETE FROM table WHERE IN (1,2,3,...)
$ros = $this->vfi->roItem->where('techNum', 903)->get();

// Multiple array of entities
// Results in query: DELETE FROM table WHERE IN (1,2,3,...)
$ros = $this->vfi->roItem->where('techNum', 903)->get();
$ros = $ros->toArray();

// Multiple array of arrays
// Results in query: DELETE FROM table WHERE IN (1,2,3,...)
$ros = $this->vfi->roItem->where('techNum', 903)->get();
$tmp = [];
foreach ($ros as $ro) {
    $tmp[] = (array) $ro;

// Multiple array of arrays manually
// Results in query: DELETE FROM table WHERE IN (1,2,3,...)
    ['id' => 1],
    ['id' => 2],
    ['id' => 3]

// Trying to delete * should fail in case we messed up the query builder
// To delete * use ->truncate instead

// Update single entity using ->save
$client = $this->vfi->client->find(5975);
$client->name = "New Name";

// Update single entity using ->update and passing back the object
$client = $this->vfi->client->find(5975);
$client->name = "New Name";

// Update same column(s) on bulk records based on ->where
// This is a query builder level update and the most efficient!
$clients = $this->vfi->client
    ->where('disabled', true)
    ->update(['name' => 'DISABLED', 'date' => date()]);


// So we can now use firstName not first_name everywhere, like so
$user = $this->vfi->user->where('firstName', 'Matthew')->first()