PHP code example of mrehman23 / aws-sqs

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mrehman23/aws-sqs library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mrehman23 / aws-sqs example snippets

use AwsSqs\SqsMessenger;
$AwsConfig = [
    'AWS_KEY'=>'', //You should put your AWS_KEY 
    'AWS_SECRET_KEY'=>'', //You should put your AWS_SECRET_KEY 
    'AWS_REGION'=>'eu-west-1', //You should put your AWS_REGION 
$messenger = new SqsMessenger($AwsConfig);
// $messenger->RetryTimesOnFail = 2;
// $messenger->WaitBeforeRetry = 1; //seconds
$queue = "<Your queueUrl>";
$message = "This is a message for SQS";
$messageAttributes['params'] = [
    'DataType' => 'String',
    'StringValue' => json_encode($params)
$delaySeconds = 10;
$messageGroupId = '';
$messageDeduplicationId = '';
$result = $messenger->publish($queue, $message, $messageAttributes, $delaySeconds, $messageGroupId, $messageDeduplicationId);