PHP code example of mrcnpdlk / imdbphp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mrcnpdlk/imdbphp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mrcnpdlk / imdbphp example snippets

$title = new \Imdb\Title(335266);
$rating = $title->rating();
$plotOutline = $title->plotoutline();

$oInstanceLogger = new \Monolog\Logger('IMDB');
$oInstanceLogger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\ErrorLogHandler(

$oInstanceCacheRedis = new \phpFastCache\Helper\Psr16Adapter(
        "host"                => null, // default localhost
        "port"                => null, // default 6379
        'defaultTtl'          => 3600 * 24, // 24h
        'ignoreSymfonyNotice' => true,

$oImdb = new Imdb\TitleSearch(null,$oInstanceLogger,$oInstanceCacheRedis);

// earch = new \Imdb\TitleSearch(); // Optional $config parameter
$results = $search->search('The Matrix', [\Imdb\TitleSearch::MOVIE]); // Optional second parameter restricts types returned

// $results is an array of Title objects
// The objects will have title, year and movietype available
//  immediately, but any other data will have to be fetched from IMDb
foreach ($results as $result) { /* @var $result \Imdb\Title */
    echo $result->title() . ' ( ' . $result->year() . ')';

// earch = new \Imdb\PersonSearch(); // Optional $config parameter
$results = $search->search('Forest Whitaker');

// $results is an array of Person objects
// The objects will have name available, everything else must be fetched from IMDb
foreach ($results as $result) { /* @var $result \Imdb\Person */
    echo $result->name();