PHP code example of mpyw / cowitter

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mpyw/cowitter library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mpyw / cowitter example snippets

use mpyw\Co\Co;
use mpyw\Co\CURLException;
use mpyw\Cowitter\Client;
use mpyw\Cowitter\HttpException;

$client = new Client(['CK', 'CS', 'AT', 'ATS']);

// Search tweets
$statuses = $client->get('search/tweets', ['q' => 'cowitter'])->statuses;

// Update tweet
$client->post('statuses/update', ['status' => 'Cowitter is the best twitter library for PHP!']);

// Send direct message with new API
$params = [
            'event' => [
                'type' => 'message_create',
                'message_create' => [
                    'target' => [
                        'recipient_id' => 'RECIPIENT_USER_ID'
                    'message_data' => [
                        'text' => 'Hello World!',

// Post as json
$client->postJson('direct_messages/events/new ', $params);

// Update tweet with multiple images
$ids = [
    $client->postMultipart('media/upload', ['media' => new \CURLFile('photo01.png')])->media_id_string,
    $client->postMultipart('media/upload', ['media' => new \CURLFile('photo02.jpg')])->media_id_string,
$client->post('statuses/update', [
    'status' => 'My photos',
    'media_ids' => implode(',', $ids),

// Listen user streaming
$client->streaming('user', function ($status) {
    if (!isset($status->text)) return;
    printf("%s(@%s) - %s\n",
        htmlspecialchars_decode($status->text, ENT_NOQUOTES)

// Search tweets
Co::wait(function () use ($client) {
    $statuses = (yield $client->getAsync('search/tweets', ['q' => 'cowitter']))->statuses;

// Rapidly update tweets for 10 times
$tasks = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < 20; ++$i) {
    $tasks[] = $client->postAsync('statuses/update', [
        'status' => str_repeat('!', $i + 1),

// Rapidly update tweet with multiple images
Co::wait(function () use ($client) {
    $info = yield [
        $client->postMultipartAsync('media/upload', ['media' => new \CURLFile('photo01.png')]),
        $client->postMultipartAsync('media/upload', ['media' => new \CURLFile('photo02.png')]),
    yield $client->postAsync('statuses/update', [
        'status' => 'My photos',
        'media_ids' => implode(',', array_column($info, 'media_id_string')),

// Listen filtered streaming to favorite/retweet at once each tweet
Co::wait($client->streamingAsync('statuses/filter', function ($status) use ($client) {
    if (!isset($status->text)) return;
    printf("%s(@s) - %s\n",
        htmlspecialchars_decode($status->text, ENT_NOQUOTES)
    yield Co::SAFE => [ // ignore errors
        $client->postAsync('favorites/create', ['id' => $status->id_str]),
}, ['track' => 'PHP']));

// Rapidly update with MP4 video
Co::wait(function () use ($client) {
    $file = new \SplFileObject('video.mp4', 'rb');
    $on_uploading = function ($percent) {
        echo "Uploading ... ({$percent}%)\n";
    $on_processing = function ($percent) {
        echo "Processing ... ({$percent}%)\n";
    yield $client->postAsync('statuses/update', [
        'status' => 'My video',
        'media_ids' => (yield $client->uploadVideoAsync($file, 'tweet_video', $on_uploading, $on_processing))->media_id_string,
    echo "Done\n";

try {

    // do stuff here

} catch (HttpException $e) {

    // cURL communication successful but something went wrong with Twitter APIs.
    $message = $e->getMessage();    // Message
    $code    = $e->getCode();       // Error code (-1 if not available)
    $status  = $e->getStatusCode(); // HTTP status code

} catch (CURLException $e) {

    // cURL communication failed.
    $message = $e->getMessage();    // Message    (equivalent to curl_error())
    $code    = $e->getCode();       // Error code (equivalent to curl_errno())


try {

    // do stuff here

} catch (\RuntimeException $e) {

    // Something failed.
    $message = $e->getMessage();


$client = new Client(['CK', 'CS', 'AT', 'ATS'], [CURLOPT_CAINFO => __DIR__ . '/cacert.pem']);

$client = new Client(['CK', 'CS', 'AT', 'ATS']);
$client = $client->withOptions([CURLOPT_CAINFO => __DIR__ . '/cacert.pem']);