PHP code example of mperusso / php-stubs-generator

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mperusso/php-stubs-generator library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mperusso / php-stubs-generator example snippets

// source-file-1.php
 * @param string $bar
 * @return int
function foo($bar)
    return (int) $bar;

/** @var string */
$something = '123abc';

if ($something) {
    echo foo($something);

// source-file-2.php
namespace MyNamespace;

class MyClass extends MyParentClass
    public function method(): string
        return '';

// stubs.php
namespace {
     * @param string $bar
     * @return int
    function foo($bar)

    /** @var string */
    $something = '123abc';

namespace MyNamespace {
    class MyClass extends MyParentClass
        public function method(): string

// You'll need the Composer Autoloader.
use StubsGenerator\{StubsGenerator, Finder};

// First, instantiate a `StubsGenerator\StubsGenerator`.
$generator = new StubsGenerator();

// Then, create a `StubsGenerator\Finder` which contains
// the set of files you wish to generate stubs for.
$finder = Finder::create()->in('/path/to/my-library/');

// Now you may use the `StubsGenerator::generate()` method,
// which will return a `StubsGenerator\Result` instance.
$result = $generator->generate($finder);

// You can use the `Result` instance to pretty-print the stubs.
echo $result->prettyPrint();

// You can also use it to retrieve the PHP-Parser nodes
// that represent the generated stub declarations.
$stmts = $result->getStubStmts();

// This will only generate stubs for function declarations.
$generator = new StubsGenerator(StubsGenerator::FUNCTIONS);

// This will only generate stubs for class or interface declarations.
$generator = new StubsGenerator(StubsGenerator::CLASSES | StubsGenerator::INTERFACES);
composer global 