PHP code example of moviet / panic-validator

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download moviet/panic-validator library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


moviet / panic-validator example snippets

    use Moviet\Validator\Panic;
  use Moviet\Validator\Ival;

  $panic = new Panic;

  $nom = 'Smile'; 

  $getnom = $panic->case($nom)

  // var_dump : Smile

   $data = $panic->match(':doc','mydocument.xls');

   // Output : mydocument.xls

  $request = $_POST['String']; 

  $post = $panic->case($request)
                ->throw(['Do not burn your finger, invalid !!']);

  $somePost = $panic->case($_POST['String'])
                    ->lang('En') // Optional
                    ->throw(['Please follow wakanda alphabets']);


   $anyPost = $panic->case(/*..Empty..*/)
                    ->throw(['~ Gunakan angka atau spasi']);

  // Output : 'Please Fill Out The Form'

   $validUser = $panic->case($_POST['username'])
                      ->throw(['Your username may error !!']);

   $validPass = $panic->case($_POST['password'])
                      ->throw(['Password minimum 8 characters']);
   $tokenLog  = $panic->case($_POST['csrf'])

   $data = [$validUser, $validPass, $tokenLog];

   if ($panic->confirm($data) !== false) {

      // $_POST['username']
      // $_POST['password']
      // ...

   $product = $panic->case($_GET['product'])
                    ->throw(['Do not only look, Please bo bo boy !!']);

   $tokenId = $panic->case($_GET['token_id'])
                    ->throw(['Your token of course, invalid !!']);

   $validate = [$product, $tokenId]; 

   $entry = $panic->trust($_GET, $validate);
   // to retrieve data, please use array
   if ($entry !== false)
   $entry[0] // Equivalent $product
   $entry[1] // Equivalent $tokenId
   Next Next...

   $url = '';

   $data = $panic->filter(':url', $url); 

   // Output :

   $myrule = $panic->case('My name is yoyo')
                   ->modify('/^[a-zA-Z 0-9]*$/')
                   ->throw(['What the hell something wrong ??']);

   // Return Boolen

   $string = 'Thanks you';

   $data = $panic->draft('/^[a-zA-Z@0-9_1-`-02-^"

   $data = $panic->verify($_POST['password'], 'DataPassword')
                 ->warn('Do not type password, please use Abcde !!'); 

   if ($panic->catch($data)) {

      // $_POST['password']

   // Print $data => Do not type password, please use Abcde !!

   $stringHtml = '<script> If this is XSS </script>';

   $filterHtml = $panic->htmlSafe($stringHtml); 

   $html = $panic->htmlRaw($filterHtml); 

   // Output : <script> If this is XSS </script>

   $string = 'And thanos will go on';

   $encode = $panic->base64($string); 

   // Output : aOAIOAIHJSDH837287ksasjka983jsdhdsfsJHJAdsfd34dfSfb

   $decode = $panic->pure64($encode); 

   // Output : And thanos will go on
   <form method="POST" action="login.php" name="login">

    if (!$validUser)