PHP code example of mouf / security.rightsservice

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mouf/security.rightsservice library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mouf / security.rightsservice example snippets

interface RightsServiceInterface {
	 * Returns true if the current user has the right passed in parameter.
	 * A scope can be optionnally passed.
	 * A scope can be anything from a string to an object. If it is an object,
	 * it must be serializable (because it will be stored in the session).
	 * @param string $right
	 * @param mixed $scope
	public function isAllowed($right, $scope = null);
	 * Returns true if the user whose id is $user_id has the $right.
	 * A scope can be optionnally passed.
	 * A scope can be anything from a string to an object. If it is an object,
	 * it must be serializable (because it will be stored in the session).
	 * @param string $user_id
	 * @param string $right
	 * @param mixed $scope
	public function isUserAllowed($user_id, $right, $scope = null);

	 * Rights are cached in session, this function will purge the rights in session.
	 * This can be useful if you know the rights previously fetched for
	 * the current user will change.
	public function flushRightsCache();
	 * If the user has not the requested right, this function will
	 * redirect the user to an error page (or a login page...)
	 * @param string $right
	 * @param mixed $scope
	public function redirectNotAuthorized($right, $scope = null);

 * Daos implementing this interface can be used to query the database for the list of rights
 * a user has.
 * The Dao will return objects implementing the RightInterface.
interface RightsDaoInterface {

	 * Returns a list of all the rights for the user passed in parameter.
	 * @param string $user_id
	 * @return array&lt;RightInterface&gt;
	public function getRightsForUser($user_id);

	 * Returns the RightInterface object associated to the user (or null if the
	 * user has no such right).
	 * @param string $user_id
	 * @param string $right
	 * @return RightInterface
	public function getRightForUser($user_id, $right);

 * Objects implementing this interface represent a basic right a user has.
 * For instance: right to display a button, right to access a webpage, right to perform some action...
 * A right can have a scope associated.
 * A scope can be anything from a string to an object, but it must be serializable (because
 * some services can cache it, for instance in the Session).
interface RightInterface {
	 * Returns the name for that right.
	 * @return string
	public function getName();
	 * Returns an array of scopes this right has.
	 * If null, the right has a global scope on all the application.
	 * @return array<mixed>
	public function getScopes();
	 * Returns true if the right applies to the scope passed in parameter, false otherwise.
	 * @return boolean
	public function hasScope($scope);