PHP code example of motomedialab / simple-laravel-audit

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download motomedialab/simple-laravel-audit library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


motomedialab / simple-laravel-audit example snippets

audit('Action performed', ['more_data' => 'Goes here']);

// import the facade
use Motomedialab\SimpleLaravelAudit\Facades\AuditFacade;

// create our audit log
AuditFacade::audit('Action performed', ['more_data' => 'Goes here']);

// import our contract & trait
use Motomedialab\SimpleLaravelAudit\Contracts\IsAuditableEvent;
use Motomedialab\SimpleLaravelAudit\Traits\AuditableEvent;

class MyCustomEvent implements IsAuditableEvent
    use AuditableEvent;

    public function handle()
        // ToDo: your event logic.
    // optional - by default will be handled by the AuditableEvent trait
    public function getAuditMessage(): string
        return 'Action performed';
    // optional - by default will be handled by the AuditableEvent trait
    public function getAuditContext(): array
        return ['more_data' => 'Goes here'];

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Motomedialab\SimpleLaravelAudit\Traits\AuditableModel;

class YourModel extends Model
    use AuditableModel;
    * An array of columns that shouldn't be audited.
    * @var array|string[] 
    protected array $excludedFromAuditing = [

use Motomedialab\SimpleLaravelAudit\Observers\AuditableModelObserver as BaseObserver;

class AuditableObserver extends BaseObserver
    // your custom classes here
    // see for more information

php artisan migrate

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=simple-auditor