PHP code example of motion-php / client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download motion-php/client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


motion-php / client example snippets

$apiKey = getenv('YOUR_API_KEY');

$client = Motion::client($apiKey);

$result = $client->task()->create([
    'name' => 'My Task',
    'description' => 'My Task Description',
    'status' => 'Completed',

echo $result['task']['name']; // My Task
echo $result['task']['description']; // My Task Description
echo $result['task']['status']; // Completed

$apiKey = getenv('YOUR_API_KEY');

// PSR-18 HTTP Client
$httpClient = new GuzzleHttp\Client([]);

$client = Motion::factory()
    ->withHttpHeader('X-My-Header', 'foo')
    ->withQueryParam('foo', 'bar')
    ->withStreamHandler(fn (RequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface => $client->send($request, [
        'stream' => true

$response = $client->tasks()->update('IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG', [
    'name' => 'My Task',
    'description' => 'My Task Description',
    'status' => 'Completed',

$task = $response->task; // Task object

$task->id; // IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG
$task->name; // My Task
$task->description; // My Task Description
$task->project; // Project object

$task->toArray(); // ['id' => 'IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG', ...]

$response = $client->tasks()->create([
    'name' => 'My Task',
    'description' => 'My Task Description',
    'status' => 'Completed',

$task = $response->task; // Task object

$task->id; // IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG
$task->name; // My Task
$task->description; // My Task Description
$task->project; // Project object

$task->toArray(); // ['id' => 'IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG', ...]

$response = $client->tasks()->delete('IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG');

$response = $client->tasks()->retrieve('IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG');

$task = $response->task; // Task object

$task->id; // IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG
$task->name; // My Task
$task->description; // My Task Description
$task->project; // Project object

$task->toArray(); // ['id' => 'IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG', ...]

$response = $client->tasks()->move('IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG', 'IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG');

$task = $response->task; // Task object

$task->id; // IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG
$task->name; // My Task
$task->description; // My Task Description
$task->project; // Project object

$task->toArray(); // ['id' => 'IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG', ...]

$response = $client->recurringTasks()->create([
    'name' => 'My Task',
    'description' => 'My Task Description',
    'status' => 'Completed',

$task = $response->task; // Task object

$task->id; // IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG
$task->name; // My Task

$response = $client->recurringTasks()->list('workspaceId');

$tasks = $response->tasks; // array of Task objects
$meta = $response->meta; // Meta object

foreach ($tasks as $task) {
    $task->id; // IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG
    $task->name; // My Task
    $task->project; // Project object

$meta->pageSize; // 20
$meta->nextCursor; // IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG

$response = $client->recurringTasks()->delete('IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG');

$response = $client->workspaces()->list();

$response->workspaces; // array of Workspace objects

foreach ($response->workspaces as $workspace) {
    $workspace->id; // IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG
    $workspace->name; // My Workspace
    $workspace->teamId; // 2f0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG
    $workspace->statuses; // array of Status objects
    $workspace->labels; // array of Label objects
    $workspace->type; // INDIVIDUAL

$response->toArray(); // ['workspaces' => [...]]

$response = $client->workspaces()->statuses('IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG');

$response->statuses; // array of Status objects

foreach ($response->statuses as $status) {
    $status->name; // In Progress
    $status->isDefaultStatus // true
    $status->isResolvedStatus // false

$response->toArray(); // ['statuses' => [...]]

$response = $client->users()->list([
    'workspaceId' => 'IF0lK9JcsdaxeLkDZ0nMG'

$response->users; // array of User objects

foreach ($response->users as $user) {
    $user->id; // LPSIBmTN2eai9uYoKtMkzWVFTUo2
    $user->name; // Adam Paterson
    $user->email; // [email protected]

$response->toArray(); // ['users' => [...]]

$client = Motion::factory()

$response = $client->tasks()->list();

$response->tasks; // array of Task objects