PHP code example of mothership-ec / cog-mothership-reports

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mothership-ec/cog-mothership-reports library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mothership-ec / cog-mothership-reports example snippets

public function registerReports($services)
	$services['user.user_summary'] = $services->factory(function($c) {
		return new User\Report\UserSummary(

	$services['user.reports'] = function($c) {
		$reports = new ReportCollection;
			return $reports;

public function getCharts()
	$data = $this->_dataTransform($this->_getQuery()->run(), "json");
	$columns = $this->_parseColumns($this->getColumns());
		foreach ($this->_charts as $chart) {
	return $this->_charts;

protected function _getQuery()
	$queryBuilder = $this->_builderFactory->getQueryBuilder();
		->select('user.user_id AS "ID"')
		->select('created_at AS "Created"')
		->select('CONCAT(surname,", ",forename) AS "User"')
		->select('email AS "Email"')

	return $queryBuilder->getQuery();

	'v' => utf8_encode($row->User),
	'f' => (string) '
		<a href ="'.$this->generateUrl('ms.cp.user.admin.detail.edit',
		['userID' => $row->ID]).'">'

	protected function _dataTransform($data, $output = null)
		$result = [];

		if ($output === "json") {

			foreach ($data as $row) {

				$result[] = [
					$row->User ? [
						'v' => utf8_encode($row->User),
						'f' => (string) '<a href ="'.$this->generateUrl('ms.cp.user.admin.detail.edit', ['userID' => $row->ID]).'">'.ucwords(utf8_encode($row->User)).'</a>'
					] : $row->User,
						'v' => $row->Created,
						'f' => date('Y-m-d H:i', $row->Created)

			return json_encode($result);

		} else {

			foreach ($data as $row) {
				$result[] = [
					date('Y-m-d H:i', $row->Created),
			return $result;
