PHP code example of mothership-ec / cog-mothership-cp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mothership-ec/cog-mothership-cp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mothership-ec / cog-mothership-cp example snippets

$services->extend('statistics', function($statistics, $c) {
    // Simple value counter
	$statistics->add(new MyDataset($c['db.query'], $c['statistics.counter'], $c['']));

	// Key based counter
	$statistics->add(new MyKeyDataset($c['db.query'], $c['statistics.counter.key'], $c['']));

class MyDataset extends AbstractDataset
    public function getName()
        return 'my.dataset';

    public function getPeriodLength()
        return static::DAILY;

    public function rebuild()
        // add rebuilding sql to transaction and commit if not overridden

$dataset = $this->get('statistics')->get('my.dataset');


$dataset->counter->set($key, $value);



$dataset->counter->increment($key, $step);

// From the beginning of time
$values = $dataset->range->getValues(0);

// From a week ago
$values = $dataset->range->getValues(

// Previous month
$values = $dataset->range->getValues(

$data = $dataset->range->getKeyValues(0);

$monthAverage = $dataset->range->getAverage(

$yearToDate = $dataset->range->getTotal(