PHP code example of moorexa / fatapi

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download moorexa/fatapi library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


moorexa / fatapi example snippets

composer create-project moorexa/fatapi project-name

php fatapi make:token {unqiue name}

 * @package MustBeAuthorized
 * @author Amadi Ifeanyi <>
class MustBeAuthorized implements MiddlewareInterface
     * @var string $authorizationToken
     * You should generate a new token from the CLI and update authorizationToken with it
     * By default, the system would auto generate one and load the request with it which is not the best
     * use 'php fatapi make:token {unique name}' to generate and update $authorizationToken
    public $authorizationToken = '388b77473d46a13724192ae7735219a2ecae7a1b';


php fatapi make {service}

php fatapi make {service}:v2

- v1/
    - Documentation/
    - Data/
        - GeneralQuery.php
        - SQL.php
        - UnpackStruct.php
        - Struct.php
    - Model/
    - Events/
        - Listener.php
    - Providers/
        - CreateProvider.php
        - UpdateProvider.php
        - DeleteProvider.php
    - PostUser.php
    - GetUser.php

php fatapi make:route {service}/{route} -{option}

php fatapi make:route {service}/{route}:{version} -{option}
php fatapi install socket

php fatapi socket

use Lightroom\Socket\SocketClient;

// create connectionn
$socket = new SocketClient('', '8082');

// you can queue more than one request
$socket->queue('meta.api', json_encode([
    'meta'     => [
        'service'   => 'user',
        'method'    => 'all'
    'header'    => [],
    'method'    => 'get',
    'version'   => 'v1',
    'signature' => '8337sijdfu',
    'query'      => [
        'limit' => 20,

// send all queues now

namespace Resources\Student\v1\Model;

use Engine\RequestData;
use Engine\{Interfaces\ModelInterface, DBMS, Table, ModelHelper};
 * @package Test Model
 * @author Amadi Ifeanyi <>
class Test implements ModelInterface
     * This 'ModelHelper' trait contains the fillable method and DB method.
    use ModelHelper;

     * @var int $id
     * This is significant to your model class. It gets its value when two things happens
     * 1. The system encounters x-meta-id in the request header
     * 2. The POST body sent contains a key 'id' along side a number as its value
    public $id = 0;


namespace Resources\Student\v1;

 * @method PostStudent Init
 * @param Request $request
 * @param Response $response
 * @return void
 * @start.doc
 * .. Your documentation content goes in here.
public function Init(Request $request, Response $response) : void
    // our post data may contain
    // username, password, etc
    // next we just push that data to our test model and then run any of the
    // crud operations
    $model = $request->useModel(Model\Test::class);
    // this reads (Resources\Student\v1\Model\Test)

    // next we can run any operation that's avaliable in this model class
    // eg
    $model->Update(); // update a record

    // sample response
    $response->success('It works!');

namespace Resources\Student\v1;

 * @method PostStudent Init
 * @param Request $request
 * @param Response $response
 * @return void
 * @start.doc
 * .. Your documentation content goes in here.
public function Init(Request $request, Response $response) : void
    // our id is part of the request

    // sample response
    $response->success('It works!', [
        'id' => $request->id

php fatapi make:dbms sessionConnection

 * @method DBMS sessionConnection
 * @param string $table
 * @return DriverInterface|
public static function sessionConnection(string $table = '') 
    // connection name
    $connectionName = '';

    // get connection
    $connection = self::CreateConnection($connectionName);

    // has table
    return $table != '' ? self::ConnectToTable($connection, $table) : $connection;

 * @method DBMS sessionConnection
 * @param string $table
 * @return DriverInterface|
public static function sessionConnection(string $table = '') 
    // connection name
    $connectionName = 'new-db';

    // get connection
    $connection = self::CreateConnection($connectionName);

    // has table
    return $table != '' ? self::ConnectToTable($connection, $table) : $connection;

->default(['development' => 'new-db', 'live' => '']);

php assist database add connectionName

namespace Resources\Student\v1\Model;
 * @package Test Model
 * @author Amadi Ifeanyi <>
class Test implements ModelInterface
     * @var string $DBMSConnection
     * This is a connection method name from our Engine\DBMS class and
     * it defaults to this model, to be accessed via 
     * - $this->DB()
     * or
     * - $this->DB(TABLE NAME)
     * Where TABLE NAME is a constant value from Engine\Table class or just a regular name.
     * You can also make queries to other connections via accessing them through
     * - DBMS::ConnectionName()
     * Where 'ConnectionName' is a connection method from our Engine\DBMS class
    private $DBMSConnection = 'sessionConnection';

php fatapi make:ware MIDDLEWARE_NAME

 * @package GetAuthentication
 * @author Amadi Ifeanyi <>
 * @start.doc
 * .. Your documentation content goes in here.
class GetAuthentication implements ResourceInterface
     * @method GetAuthentication Init
     * @param Request $request
     * @param Response $response
     * @return void
     * @middleware Middlewares\MustBeAuthorized
     * @start.doc
     * .. Your documentation content goes in here.
    public function Init(Request $request, Response $response) : void
        $response->success('It works!');


 * @package GetAuthentication
 * @author Amadi Ifeanyi <>
 * @start.doc
 * .. Your documentation content goes in here.
class GetAuthentication implements ResourceInterface
     * @method GetAuthentication Init
     * @param Request $request
     * @param Response $response
     * @return void
     * @middleware Middlewares\MustBeAuthorized
     * @middleware Middlewares\ExampleMiddleWare2
     * @start.doc
     * .. Your documentation content goes in here.
    public function Init(Request $request, Response $response) : void
        $response->success('It works!');


namespace Resources\Student\v1;

 * @method PostStudent Init
 * @param Request $request
 * @param Response $response
 * @return void
 * @start.doc
 * .. Your documentation content goes in here.
public function Login(Request $request, Response $response) : void
    // get username
    echo $request->username;

    // get password
    echo $request->password;

    // sample response
    $response->success('It works!', [
        'id' => $request->id

namespace Resources\Student\v1\Model;

use Engine\RequestData;
use Engine\{Interfaces\ModelInterface, DBMS, Table, ModelHelper};
 * @package Test Model
 * @author Amadi Ifeanyi <>
class Test implements ModelInterface
     * This 'ModelHelper' trait contains the fillable method and DB method.
    use ModelHelper;

     * @var int $id
     * This is significant to your model class. It gets its value when two things happens
     * 1. The system encounters x-meta-id in the request header
     * 2. The POST body sent contains a key 'id' along side a number as its value
    public $id = 0;

    // username
    public $Username;

    // password
    private $Password;

    // then add the fillable method
     * @method ModelInterface Fillable
     * @param RequestData $data
     * @return void
     * Has data that can be populated to the class 
    public function Fillable(RequestData $data) : void
        // set the username
        $this->Username = $data->username;

        // set the password
        $this->Password = $data->password;


 * Configuration for sending out emails
return [
    'default' => 'Messaging\Emails\Handlers\SymfonyMailer',
    'dsn' => 'smtp://{user}:{pass}@{host}:{port}',
    'host' => '',
    'port' => 2525,
    'user' => '',
    'pass' => ''

use Messaging\Emails\EmailSender;

// send welcome message
    // data to replace placeholders with 
        'name' => 'fatapi' // this would replace {name} with fatapi

    // extra option
        'background' => true, // this would send the mail in the background
        'subject' => '', // (optional) but can help change the mail subject
        'from' => '', // (optional) but can help change the mail sender
        'to' => '[email protected]' // this is the receiver email address 

    // (optional callback)
        // now you have the Symfony\Component\Mime\Email in $email to work with
        // let try attaching a file
        $email->attach(fopen('/path/to/documents/contract.doc', 'r'));

php assist start-rabbitmq-worker

namespace Messaging;

use Messaging\Emails\EmailSender;
 * @package EmailAlerts
 * @author Amadi Ifeanyi <>
 * This alert is meant for internal email notifications
class EmailAlerts
     * @var string $sendTo
    public static $sendTo = '[email protected]'; // destination address

     * @var bool $sendInBackground
     * To get the email to send in the background, ensure rabbitmq is running and rabbitmq client is running
    public static $sendInBackground = true;

     * @method EmailAlerts newSubscriberAlert
     * @param array $data
     * @return void
    public static function newSubscriberAlert(array $data = [])
        EmailSender::newSubscriberAlert($data, [
            'background'    => self::$sendInBackground,
            'to'            => self::$sendTo,
            'subject'       => 'You have a new email subscriber'

// now we can just call