PHP code example of monospice / spicy-identifiers

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download monospice/spicy-identifiers library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


monospice / spicy-identifiers example snippets

// Call a dynamic method:
$someClass->callSomeDynamicMethod('some argument');

// The dynamic method call is handled by the __call() magic method of a class.
// $methodCalled is the name of the dynamic method: "callSomeDynamicMethod"
public function __call($methodCalled, array $arguments)
    // Use Spicy Identifiers to work with the dynamic method
    $method = DynamicMethod::parse($methodCalled);

    // Check if the method name starts and ends with certain strings
    if ($method->startsWith('call') && $method->endsWith('Method')) {
        $method->replace(0, 'get')->replace(3, 'Variable');
        // The dynamic method name is now "getSomeDynamicVariable"

    // Alert the developer if they called a method that doesn't exist

    // Check that the method 

$config = [
    'config_directive_1' => 'some value',
    'config_directive_2' => 'some value',

class UsesConfig
    public function __construct(array $config)
        foreach ($config as $option => $value) {
                ->throwExceptionIfMissingOn($this, 'Invalid option: ' . $option)
                ->callOn($this, [ $value ]); // calls setConfigDirectiveN()

    public function setConfigDirective1($value) { ... }

    public function setConfigDirective2($value) { ... }


use Monospice\SpicyIdentifiers\DynamicVariable;
use Monospice\SpicyIdentifiers\DynamicMethod;
use Monospice\SpicyIdentifiers\DynamicFunction;
use Monospice\SpicyIdentifiers\DynamicClass;
use Monospice\SpicyIdentifiers\Tools\CaseFormat;

$method = DynamicMethod::parse('aMethodName');
$function = DynamicFunction::parse('a_function_name');
$variable = DynamicVariable::parse('aVariableName');
$class = DynamicClass::parse('AClassName');

$method->parts(); // array('a', 'Method', 'Name')

$method = DynamicMethod::parseFromUnderscore('a_method_name');
$method->parts(); // array('a', 'method', 'name')

$method = DynamicMethod::from('aMethodName');
$method->parts(); // array('aMethodName')

$returnValue = $method->callOn($this);

$method = DynamicMethod::fromParts(['a', 'method', 'name']);
$method->parts(); // array('a', 'method', 'name')

$returnValue = $method->callOn($this);

$identifier = DynamicIdentifier::parse('anIdentifierName');

$identifier->name();                    // "anIdentifierName"

echo $identifier;                       // "anIdentifierName"

$identifier->parts();                   // ['an', 'Identifier', 'Name']
$identifier->toArray();                 // an alias for parts()

$identifer->part(1);                    // "Identifier"

$identifier[1];                         // "Identifier"

$identifier->first();                   // "an"

$identifier->last();                    // "Name"

$identifier->keys();                    // [0, 1, 2]

$identifier->keys('Name');              // [2]

$identifier->keys('NAME', true);        // [ ]

$identifier->getNumParts();             // 3
$identifier->count();                   // an alias for getNumParts()

count($identifier);                     // 3

$identifier->has(1);                    // true

isset($identifier[1]);                  // true

$identifier->startsWith('an');          // true
$identifier->startsWith('identifier');  // false

$identifier->endsWith('name');          // true
$identifier->endsWith('identifier');    // false

$identifier->endsWith('NAME', true);    // false

$identifier->append('last');            // "anIdentifierNameLast"
$identifier->push('last');              // alias for append()

$identifier[] = 'last';

$identifier->prepend('first');          // "firstAnIdentifierName"

$identifier->insert(1, 'insert');       // "anInsertIdentifierName"

$identifier->pop();                     // "anIdentifier"

$identifier->shift();                   // "identifierName"

$identifier->remove(1);                 // "anName"

$identifier->replace(2, 'String');      // "anIdentifierString"

$identifier[2] = 'String';              // "anIdentifierString"

$identifier = DynamicIdentifier::parse('anIdentifierName');

echo $identifier->mergeRange(1, 2);     // "anIdentifierName"
$identifier->parts();                   // array(
                                        //     0 => "an",
                                        //     1 => "IdentifierName"
                                        // )

$identifier->mergeRange(0)->parts();    // array(
                                        //     0 => "anIdentifierName"
                                        // )

$method = DynamicMethod::parse('someMethod');


$returnValue = $method->callOn($someInstance);
$returnValue = $method->callOn($someInstance, ['arg1', 'arg2']);
$returnValue = $method->callOn($this, ['arg1', 'arg2']);

// Static Methods
$returnValue = $method->callOn('Namespace\SomeClass');
$returnValue = $method->callOn('Namespace\SomeClass', ['arg1']);

$returnValue = $method->callFromScopeOn($someInstance);
$returnValue = $method->callFromScopeOn($this, ['arg1', 'arg2']);

// Static Methods
$returnValue = $method->callFromScopeOn('Namespace\SomeClass');
$returnValue = $method->callFromScopeOn('Namespace\SomeClass', ['arg1']);

$returnValue = $method->forwardStaticCallTo('Namespace\SomeClass');
$returnValue = $method->forwardStaticCallTo('SomeClass', ['arg1', 'arg2']);


$method->throwException('A custom exception message');


$method->throwExceptionIfMissingOn($someObject, 'A custom exception message');

$function = DynamicFunction::parse('some_function');


$returnValue = $function->call();
$returnValue = $function->call(['arg1']);


$function->throwException('A custom exception message');


$function->throwExceptionIfMissing('A custom exception message');

$method = DynamicMethod::parse('anIdentifierName');
$method->name();                   // 'anIdentifierName'

$variable = $method->toVariable();
get_class($variable);              // Monospice\SpicyIdentifiers\DynamicVariable
$variable->name();                 // 'anIdentifierName'
$variable->value();                // the value of the corresponding variable

$method = $identifier->toMethod();      // DynamicMethod
$variable = $identifier->toVariable();  // DynamicVariable
$class = $identifier->toClass();        // DynamicClass
$function = $identifier->toFunction();  // DynamicFunction

$returnValue = DynamicMethod::parse('aDynamicMethod')
    ->mergeRange(1, 2)

// parse and output with the default case format (camel case)
$identifier = DynamicIdentifier::parse('identifierName');

// parse with an explicit case format, output with the default format
$identifier = DynamicIdentifier::parseFromUnderscore('identifier_name');

// parse with an explicit format, and set an explicit output format
$identifier = DynamicIdentifier::parseFromUnderscore('identifier_name')

$method = DynamicMethod::parse('XMLHttpRequest')
$method->parts();   // array('XML', 'Http', 'Request');

$method->name();    // "xmlHttpRequest"

    ->name();       // "XMLHttpRequest"

// parseFromMixedCase($identiferString, $arrayOfCaseFormatsToParse);

DynamicIdentifier::parseFromMixedCase('aMixed_case-identifier', [
    ->parts(); // array('a', 'Mixed', 'case', 'identifier');

// From the manual:
$täyte = 'mansikka';    // valid; 'ä' is (Extended) ASCII 228.

    ->parts(); // array('än', 'Ïdentifier', 'Náme');