PHP code example of monogramm / mautic-ldapauth-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download monogramm/mautic-ldapauth-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


monogramm / mautic-ldapauth-bundle example snippets

    //'parameters' => array(
    // ...
        'ldap_auth_host' => '',
        'ldap_auth_port' => 389,
        'ldap_auth_version' => 3,
        'ldap_auth_ssl' => false,
        'ldap_auth_starttls' => true,
        'ldap_auth_base_dn' => 'ou=People,dc=ldap,dc=mysupercompany,dc=com',
        'ldap_auth_user_query' => '(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)',
        'ldap_auth_username_attribute' => 'uid',
        'ldap_auth_email_attribute' => 'mail',
        'ldap_auth_firstname_attribute' => 'givenname',
        'ldap_auth_lastname_attribute' => 'sn',
        'ldap_auth_fullname_attribute' => 'displayname',
        'ldap_auth_isactivedirectory' => false,
    // ...

    //'parameters' => array(
    // ...
        'ldap_auth_host' => '',
        'ldap_auth_port' => 389,
        'ldap_auth_version' => 3,
        'ldap_auth_ssl' => false,
        'ldap_auth_starttls' => false,
        'ldap_auth_base_dn' => 'cn=Users,dc=ad,dc=mysupercompany,dc=com',
        'ldap_auth_user_query' => '(objectclass=user)(memberof=marketing)',     // careful this can be case sensitive!
        'ldap_auth_username_attribute' => 'samaccountname',                     // this is case sensitive!
        'ldap_auth_email_attribute' => 'mail',
        'ldap_auth_firstname_attribute' => 'givenname',
        'ldap_auth_lastname_attribute' => 'sn',
        'ldap_auth_fullname_attribute' => 'displayname',
        'ldap_auth_isactivedirectory' => true,
        'ldap_auth_activedirectory_domain' => '',
    // ...