PHP code example of moesif / moesif-slim
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download moesif/moesif-slim library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
moesif / moesif-slim example snippets
use Slim\App;
use Slim\Factory\AppFactory;
use Moesif\Middleware\MoesifSlim;
// Create App instance
$app = AppFactory::create();
$moesifOptions = [
'applicationId' => 'Your Moesif Application Id',
$app->addErrorMiddleware(true, true, true);
// Add Moesif Middleware
$middleware = new MoesifSlim($moesifOptions);
// In config/moesif.php
return [
'applicationId' => 'Your Moesif Application Id',
'logBody' => true,
// In config/moesif.php
$identifyUserId = function($request, $response) {
// Your custom code that returns a user id string
return '12345';
return [
'identifyUserId' => $identifyUserId
// In config/moesif.php
$identifyCompanyId = function($request, $response) {
# Your custom code that returns a company id string
return '67890';
return [
'identifyCompanyId' => $identifyCompanyId
// In config/moesif.php
$getMetadata = function($request, $response) {
return array("foo"=>"Slim Framework example", "boo"=>"custom data");
return [
'getMetadata' => $getMetadata
// In config/moesif.php
$maskRequestHeaders = function($headers) {
$headers['password'] = '****';
return $headers;
return [
'maskRequestHeaders' => $maskRequestHeaders
// In config/moesif.php
$maskRequestBody = function($body) {
// remove any sensitive information.
$body['password'] = '****';
return $body;
return [
'maskRequestBody' => $maskRequestBody
use Moesif\Middleware\MoesifSlim;
// Only userId is nt to track ROI of acquisition channels
// See for campaign schema
// metadata can be any custom object
$user = array(
"user_id" => "12345",
"company_id" => "67890", // If set, associate user with a company object
"campaign" => array(
"utm_source" => "google",
"utm_medium" => "cpc",
"utm_campaign" => "adwords",
"utm_term" => "api+tooling",
"utm_content" => "landing"
"metadata" => array(
"email" => "[email protected] ",
"first_name" => "John",
"last_name" => "Doe",
"title" => "Software Engineer",
"sales_info" => array(
"stage" => "Customer",
"lifetime_value" => 24000,
"account_owner" => "[email protected] "
$middleware = new MoesifSlim(['applicationId' => 'Your Moesif Application Id']);
use Moesif\Middleware\MoesifSlim;
$userA = array(
"user_id" => "12345",
"company_id" => "67890", // If set, associate user with a company object
"campaign" => array(
"utm_source" => "google",
"utm_medium" => "cpc",
"utm_campaign" => "adwords",
"utm_term" => "api+tooling",
"utm_content" => "landing"
"metadata" => array(
"email" => "[email protected] ",
"first_name" => "John",
"last_name" => "Doe",
"title" => "Software Engineer",
"sales_info" => array(
"stage" => "Customer",
"lifetime_value" => 24000,
"account_owner" => "[email protected] "
$userB = array(
"user_id" => "1234",
"company_id" => "6789", // If set, associate user with a company object
"campaign" => array(
"utm_source" => "google",
"utm_medium" => "cpc",
"utm_campaign" => "adwords",
"utm_term" => "api+tooling",
"utm_content" => "landing"
"metadata" => array(
"email" => "[email protected] ",
"first_name" => "John",
"last_name" => "Doe",
"title" => "Software Engineer",
"sales_info" => array(
"stage" => "Customer",
"lifetime_value" => 24000,
"account_owner" => "[email protected] "
$users = array($userA, $userB);
$middleware = new MoesifSlim(['applicationId' => 'Your Moesif Application Id']);
use Moesif\Middleware\MoesifSlim;
// Only companyId is to track ROI of acquisition channels
// See for campaign schema
// metadata can be any custom object
$company = array(
"company_id" => "67890",
"company_domain" => "", // If domain is set, Moesif will enrich your profiles with publicly available info
"campaign" => array(
"utm_source" => "google",
"utm_medium" => "cpc",
"utm_campaign" => "adwords",
"utm_term" => "api+tooling",
"utm_content" => "landing"
"metadata" => array(
"org_name" => "Acme, Inc",
"plan_name" => "Free",
"deal_stage" => "Lead",
"mrr" => 24000,
"demographics" => array(
"alexa_ranking" => 500000,
"employee_count" => 47
$middleware = new MoesifSlim(['applicationId' => 'Your Moesif Application Id']);
use Moesif\Middleware\MoesifSlim;
$companyA = array(
"company_id" => "67890",
"company_domain" => "", // If domain is set, Moesif will enrich your profiles with publicly available info
"campaign" => array(
"utm_source" => "google",
"utm_medium" => "cpc",
"utm_campaign" => "adwords",
"utm_term" => "api+tooling",
"utm_content" => "landing"
"metadata" => array(
"org_name" => "Acme, Inc",
"plan_name" => "Free",
"deal_stage" => "Lead",
"mrr" => 24000,
"demographics" => array(
"alexa_ranking" => 500000,
"employee_count" => 47
$companies = array($companyA);
$middleware = new MoesifSlim(['applicationId' => 'Your Moesif Application Id']);