PHP code example of moemengaballah / msegat

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download moemengaballah/msegat library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


moemengaballah / msegat example snippets


'Msegat' => MoemenGaballah\Msegat\Msegat::class,


// numbers (endMessage('numbers', 'MSG'); 
use Msegat;

$msg = Msegat::sendMessage('966xxxxxxxxx', 'رمز التحقق: 1234');


// another example 
Route::get('/', function () {
    $msg = Msegat::sendMessage('966xxxxxxxxx', 'رمز التحقق: 1234');

This API is based on HTTPS protocol

You must have an account to test this API, to register please click here

You must use HTTPS POST with parameters in body [ VERY IMPORTANT ]

You must use URL ENCODING when you send the variables

If SMS is English only, we will charge 1 point for each 160 chars and if you send more than this, we will charge 1 point for each 153 chars

If SMS contains language other than English, we will charge 1 point for each 70 chars and if you send more than this, we will charge 1 point for each 67 chars

You can test our API for free . You will get free sms every day . To test our service you can send sms using below parameters:

userSender: OTP
msg: "Pin Code is: xxxx" or "Verification Code: xxxx"

1 - Success

M0000 - Success

M0001 - Variables missing

M0002 - Invalid login info

M0022 - Exceed number of senders allowed

M0023 - Sender Name is active or under activation or refused

M0024 - Sender Name should be in English or number

M0025 - Invalid Sender Name Length

M0026 - Sender Name is already activated or not found

M0027 - Activation Code is not Correct

1010 - Variables missing

1020 - Invalid login info

1050 - MSG body is empty

1060 - Balance is not enough

1061 - MSG duplicated

1064 - Free OTP , Invalid MSG content you should use "Pin Code is: xxxx" or "Verification Code: xxxx" or "رمز التحقق: 1234" , or upgrade your account and activate your sender to send any content

1110 - Sender name is missing or incorrect

1120 - Mobile numbers is not correct

1140 - MSG length is too long

M0029 - Invalid Sender Name - Sender Name should contain only letters, numbers and the maximum length should be 11 characters

M0030 - Sender Name should ended with AD

M0031 - Maximum allowed size of uploaded file is 5 MB

M0032 - Only pdf,png,jpg and jpeg files are allowed!

M0033 - Sender Type should be normal or whitelist only

M0034 - Please Use POST Method

M0036 - There is no any sender
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="msegat"