PHP code example of modulework / http

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download modulework/http library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


modulework / http example snippets

$req = Request::makeFromGlobals();
$content = 'Hello ' . $req->query->get('name', 'Stranger');
$res = Response::make($content);

$req = Request::makeFromGlobals();
$name = $req->query->get('name', Stranger);
$content = 'Hello ' . $name;
$res = Response::make($content);

$req = Request::makeFromGlobals();

$name = $req->query->get('name',
	$req->request->get('name', 'Stranger')
// Or just getting the method:
$method = $req->getMethod();

$content = 'Hello ' . $name;

$res = Response::make($content);

echo Request::makeFromGlobals()->getClientIp();

$res = Response::make()
->addHeader('Expire', 'never')
->setDate(new DateTime)

$res = Response::make()
->addHeader('Location', '')

$req = Request::makeFromGlobals();
if ('/' == $req->getPath()) {
    echo "You are on the homepage"
} elseif ('/foo/bar' == $req->getPath()) {
    echo "You are on the bar page of foo!"

$res = RedirectResponse::make('')

$res = Response::make('<extra>', 302, array('Location' => ''))

$res = JsonResponse::make(array('foo' => 'bar'))