PHP code example of moderntribe / square1-queues

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download moderntribe/square1-queues library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


moderntribe / square1-queues example snippets

class Example_Class {
  private $queue;
  public function __construct( \Tribe\Libs\Queues\Contracts\Queue $queue ) {
    $this->queue = $queue;


namespace Tribe\Project\Queues\Tasks;

use Tribe\Libs\Queues\Contracts\Task;
use Tribe\Project\Posts\Post_Fetcher;

 * An example of Queue Task using dependency injection
class Cache_Slow_Query implements Task {

	public const OPTION = 'tribe_latest_post_cache';

	 * Example dependency injection: This object will be
	 * the service responsible for handling complex logic
	 * for this task. Moving the logic to a service object
	 * allows that functionality to be shared outside
	 * this task in case something else needs to consume
	 * it.
	private Post_Fetcher $post_fetcher;

	 * @param \Tribe\Project\Posts\Post_Fetcher $post_fetcher This is a concrete class. PHP-DI knows to automatically
	 *                                                        inject the instance without any needed configuration.
	public function __construct( Post_Fetcher $post_fetcher ) {
		$this->post_fetcher = $post_fetcher;

	 * @param array $args This variable populated with the dynamic data you set
	 *                    when the Queue Task is dispatched.
	 * @example          $queue->dispatch( Tribe\Project\Queues\Tasks\Cache_Slow_Query::class, [ 'my_custom_post_type' ] );
	 * @return bool
	public function handle( array $args ): bool {
		// Create the $post_type variable via unpacking of $args[0]
		[ $post_type ] = $args;

		 * Fetch the posts from some very long and intensive query.
		 * @var \WP_Query $query
		$query = $this->post_fetcher->get_latest_posts( $post_type );

		 * There are no posts, so return true to avoid placing this back in the queue to run
		 * again until posts are found.
		 * In this scenario, we'd rather just check that the next time this task is dispatched
		 * to the queue.
		if ( empty( $query->posts ) ) {
			return true;

		 * If for some reason our option update doesn't work, it'll automatically be placed back in the
		 * queue to try again.
		 * Some other service will query this option to display the posts instead of running the
		 * massive query above in real time.
		return update_option( self::OPTION, $query->posts, false );


add_action( 'save_post', function ( $post_id ): void {
	$queue->dispatch( My_Task::class, [
		(int) $post_id,
	] );
}, 10, 1 );