PHP code example of mocode / flysystem-aliyunoss

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mocode/flysystem-aliyunoss library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mocode / flysystem-aliyunoss example snippets

use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use Mocode\Flysystem\AliyunOss\AliyunOssAdapter;
use OSS\OssClient;

$accessId = 'Aliyun Oss Access Id';
$accessKey = 'Aliyun Oss Access Key';
$endPoint = 'Aliyun Oss endPoint';
$bucket = 'Aliyun Oss Bucket';
$domain = 'Aliyun Oss CDN Domain';

$client = new OssClient($accessId, $accessKey, $endPoint);
$adapter = new AliyunOssAdapter($client, $bucket, $domain);

$flysystem = new Filesystem($adapter);

bool $flysystem->write('', 'contents');

bool $flysystem->writeStream('', fopen('path/to/your/local/file.jpg', 'r'));

bool $flysystem->update('', 'new contents');

bool $flysystem->updateStream('', fopen('path/to/your/local/file.jpg', 'r'));

bool $flysystem->rename('', '');

bool $flysystem->copy('', '');

bool $flysystem->delete('');

bool $flysystem->has('');

string|false $flysystem->read('');

array $flysystem->listContents();

array $flysystem->getMetadata('');

int $flysystem->getSize('');

string $flysystem->getAdapter()->getUrl(''); 

string $flysystem->getMimetype('');

int $flysystem->getTimestamp('');

use Mocode\Flysystem\AliyunOss\\Plugins\PutFile;

$flysystem->addPlugin(new PutFile());

bool $flysystem->putFile('', 'contents');

'oss' => [
    'driver'     => 'oss',
    'access_id'  => env('OSS_ACCESS_ID'), // Aliyun OSS AccessKeyId
    'access_key' => env('OSS_ACCESS_KEY'), // Aliyun OSS AccessKeySecret
    'bucket'     => env('OSS_BUCKET'), // OSS bucket name
    'endpoint'   => env('OSS_ENDPOINT'), // OSS 节点或自定义外部域名
    'domain'     => env('OSS_DOMAIN'), // CDN domain

'default' => 'oss'