PHP code example of moccalotto / exemel

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download moccalotto/exemel library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


moccalotto / exemel example snippets

ion ensure($condition)
    if (!$condition) {
        throw new RuntimeException('Condition failed');

$xml = new Moccalotto\Exemel\Xml(new SimpleXmlElement('<root/>'));
// <root />

 * Add attr="attr0" to the root element
$xml->set('[attr]', 'attr0');
ensure($xml->get('[attr]') == 'attr0');
ensure($xml->root()['attr'] == 'attr0');
// <root attr="attr0" />

 * Add an element called <foo>
 * Inside that, add an element called <bar>
 * Set the contents of <bar> to "el1"
$xml->set('foo/bar', 'el1');
ensure($xml->get('foo/bar') == 'el1');
ensure((string) $xml->root()->foo->bar == 'el1');
// <root attr="attr0">
//   <foo>
//     <bar>el1</bar>
//   </foo>
// </root>

 * Add attr="attr1" to the newly added <bar> element
$xml->set('foo/bar[ding]', 'attr1');
ensure($xml->get('foo/bar[ding]') == 'attr1');
ensure((string) $xml->root()->foo->bar['ding'] == 'attr1');
// <root attr="attr0">
//   <foo>
//     <bar ding="attr1">el1</bar>
//   </foo>
// </root>

 * Add a new <foo> element to the root.
 * Inside that, add a <bar> element with the contents "el2"
$xml->set('foo[]/bar', 'el2');
ensure($xml->get('foo[1]/bar') == 'el2');
ensure((string) $xml->root()->foo[1]->bar == 'el2');
// <root attr="attr0">
//   <foo>
//     <bar ding="attr1">el1</bar>
//   </foo>
//   <foo>
//     <bar>el2</bar>
//   </foo>
// </root>

echo $xml->formatted();