PHP code example of mnsd47 / onm

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mnsd47/onm library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mnsd47 / onm example snippets

$nm = new onm\NetworkManager('', 3337, 'admin', 'admin', 'cTag', onm\Fiberhome::class);

$devices = $nm->lstDevice()->response; // Get all OLT from network
$unregisteredOnu = $nm->lstUnregonu()->response; // Get all unregistered ONU
$allOnu = $nm->lstOnu(['OLTID' => ''])->response; // Get all ONU from an OLT

// Register a ONU
$registerOnu = $nm->addOnu(['OLTID' => '', 'PONID' => 'NA-NA-1-1'], 
['NAME' => 'test', 'AUTHTYPE' => 'SN', 'ONUID' => 'FHTT928B0000', 'ONUTYPE' => 'AN5506-01-A']); 

if($registerOnu->success) print('ONU registered was successfuly.');

// Get optical information of ONU or a PON
$getOpticalInfo = $nm->lstOmddm(['OLTID' => '', 'PONID' => 'NA-NA-1-1',
'ONUIDTYPE' => 'MAC', 'ONUID' => 'FHTT928B0000']); 

    print(sprintf('RxPower: %s; ', $getOpticalInfo->response['RxPower']));
    print(sprintf('Temperature: %s; ', $getOpticalInfo->response['Temperature']));

// Using callback
$nm->lstDevice()->success(function($responde) {
    foreach($response as $device) {
      print(sprintf('Name: %s; ', $device['DEVNAME']));
      print(sprintf('IP Address: %s; ', $device['DEVIP']));
      print(sprintf('Model: %s', $device['DT']));

// Setting up a VLAN on the ONU
  'OLTID' => '', 
  'PONID' => 'NA-NA-1-1', 
  'ONUIDTYPE' => 'SN', 
  'ONUID' => 'FHTT928B0000',
  'ONUPORT' => 'NA-NA-NA-1'
 ], [
  'PVID' => '1000', 
  'VLANMOD' => 'Tag'
])->success(function() {
  print('VLAN setting was successfuly.');
})->fail(function($err) {
  print('VLAN setting was not successfuly.'.PHP_EOL);
  print(sprintf('Error: %s', $err));