PHP code example of mmkargar / jalali
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mmkargar/jalali library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
mmkargar / jalali example snippets
'providers' => [
'alias' => [
'jDate' => 'MmKargar\Jalali\Facades\jDate',
'jDateTime' => 'MmKargar\Jalali\Facades\jDateTime',
// default timestamp is now
$date = jDate::forge();
// pass timestamps
$date = jDate::forge(1333857600);
// pass strings to make timestamps
$date = jDate::forge('last sunday');
// get the timestamp
$date = jDate::forge('last sunday')->time(); // 1333857600
// format the timestamp
$date = jDate::forge('last sunday')->format('%B %d، %Y'); // دی 02، 1391
// get a predefined format
$date = jDate::forge('last sunday')->format('datetime'); // 1391-10-02 00:00:00
$date = jDate::forge('last sunday')->format('date'); // 1391-10-02
$date = jDate::forge('last sunday')->format('time'); // 00:00:00
// amend the timestamp value, relative to existing value
$date = jDate::forge('2012-10-12')->reforge('+ 3 days')->format('date'); // 1391-07-24
//convert jalali to gregorian
$date = JDate::jalaliToGregorian("1399/09/15"); // output : 2020-12-05
// get relative 'ago' format
$date = jDate::forge('now - 10 minutes')->ago() // ۱۰ دقیقه پیش
//date_parse_from_format for jalali date
$date = jDate::parseFromFormat('Y/m/d', '1393/01/18');
echo $date['year']; //1393
echo $date['month']; //01
echo $date['day']; //18