PHP code example of mmeyer2k / dcrypt

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mmeyer2k/dcrypt library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mmeyer2k / dcrypt example snippets

$key = \Dcrypt\OpensslKey::create(32);

$key = '[...BASE64 KEY...]';

$encrypted = \Dcrypt\Aes::encrypt('a secret', $key);

$plaintext = \Dcrypt\Aes::decrypt($encrypted, $key);

$encrypted = \Dcrypt\OpensslStatic::encrypt('a secret', $key, 'bf-ofb', 'crc32');

$plaintext = \Dcrypt\OpensslStatic::decrypt($encrypted, $key, 'bf-ofb', 'crc32');

class BlowfishCrc32 extends \Dcrypt\OpensslBridge 
    const CIPHER = 'bf-ofb';

    const ALGO = 'crc32';

$encrypted = BlowfishCrc32::encrypt('a secret', $key);

$plaintext = BlowfishCrc32::decrypt($encrypted, $key);

$stack = (new \Dcrypt\OpensslStack($key))
    ->add('aes-256-ecb', 'snefru')
    ->add('aes-256-ofb', 'sha224')
    ->add('aes-256-cbc', 'sha256')
    ->add('aes-256-ctr', 'sha384')
    ->add('aes-256-gcm', 'sha512');

$encrypted = $stack->encrypt('a secret');

$plaintext = $stack->decrypt($encrypted);

try {
    $decrypted = \Dcrypt\Aes::decrypt('malformed cyphertext', $key);
} catch (\Dcrypt\Exceptions\InvalidChecksumException $ex) {
    // ...

$encrypted = \Dcrypt\OneTimePad::crypt('a secret', $key);

$plaintext = \Dcrypt\OneTimePad::crypt($encrypted, $key);

$encrypted = \Dcrypt\OneTimePad::crypt('a secret', $key, 'whirlpool');

$plaintext = \Dcrypt\OneTimePad::crypt($encrypted, $key, 'whirlpool');

$token = \Dcrypt\Str::token(10);

$equal = \Dcrypt\Str::equal($known, $given);