PHP code example of mmanos / laravel-taggable

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mmanos/laravel-taggable library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mmanos / laravel-taggable example snippets

use Mmanos\Taggable\Taggable;

class User extends Eloquent
	use Taggable;

class User extends Eloquent
	protected $tag_model = 'Tag';
	protected $taggable_table = 'user_tags';

class User extends Eloquent
	protected $taggable_table_sync = ['company_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted_at'];

$user->tag('Frequent Visitor');

$user->tag('Frequent Visitor', 'Happy');
// or
$user->tag(['Frequent Visitor', 'Happy']);

$user->untag('Frequent Visitor');

$user->untag('Frequent Visitor', 'Happy');
// or
$user->untag(['Frequent Visitor', 'Happy']);

if ($user->hasTag('Frequent Visitor')) {

$tags = $user->tags;

$tags = $user->tagsArray();

$users = User::withTag('Frequent Visitor')->take(10)->get();

$users = User::withTag('Frequent Visitor')
	->where('tag_created_at', '>', '2015-01-01 00:00:00')
	->orderBy('tag_created_at', 'desc')

$users = User::withTag('Frequent Visitor', 'Happy')->get();
// or
$users = User::withTag(['Frequent Visitor', 'Happy'])->get();

$users = User::withAnyTag('Frequent Visitor', 'Happy')->get();
// or
$users = User::withAnyTag(['Frequent Visitor', 'Happy'])->get();

// Fetch all users who have the 'Agent' tag and who have 'Frequent Visitor' or 'Happy'.
$users = User::withTag('Agent')->withAnyTag('Frequent Visitor', 'Happy')->get();

class User extends Eloquent
	public function tagContext()
		return $this->company;

class Tag extends Eloquent
	public static function applyQueryContext($query, $context)
		$query->where('company_id', $context->id);
	public static function applyModelContext($model, $context)
		$model->company_id = $context->id;

$users = User::withTag('Frequent Visitor')->withTagContext($company)->take(10)->get();
$ php artisan laravel-taggable:tags tags
$ php artisan laravel-taggable:taggable user_tags