PHP code example of mlocati / ci-info

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mlocati/ci-info library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mlocati / ci-info example snippets

$driver = (new \CIInfo\DriverList())->getDriverForEnvironment();
if ($driver === null) {
    // CI environment Not detected
} else {
    if ($ci->getHandle() === \CIInfo\Driver\GithubActions::HANDLE) {
        // We are running in a GitHub Actions build

try {
    $state = (new \CIInfo\StateFactory())->getCurrentState();
} catch (\CIInfo\Exception $whoops) {
    echo "Something went wrong: " . (string) $whoops;

switch ($state->getEvent()) {
    case \CIInfo\State::EVENT_PUSH:
        // $state is an instance of the \CIInfo\State\Push (or its \CIInfo\State\PushWithoutBaseCommit subclass) class
        echo "We are in a build triggered by a push.\n";
    case \CIInfo\State::EVENT_PULLREQUEST:
        // $state is an instance of the \CIInfo\State\PullRequest class  
        echo "We are in a build triggered by a pull request.\n";
    case \CIInfo\State::EVENT_TAG:
        // $state is an instance of the \CIInfo\State\Tag class
        echo "We are in a build triggered by the creation of a tag.\n";
    case \CIInfo\State::EVENT_SCHEDULED:
        // $state is an instance of the \CIInfo\State\Scheduled class
        echo "We are in a build triggered by a scheduled job.\n";
    case \CIInfo\State::EVENT_MANUAL:
        // $state is an instance of the \CIInfo\State\Manual class
        echo "We are in a build triggered manually (via APIs, manual builds, repository_dispatch events, ...).\n";