PHP code example of mll-lab / graphql-php-scalars

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mll-lab/graphql-php-scalars library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mll-lab / graphql-php-scalars example snippets

use MLL\GraphQLScalars\IntRange;

final class UpToADozen extends IntRange
    protected static function min(): int
        return 1;

    protected static function max(): int
        return 12;

use MLL\GraphQLScalars\Regex;

$hexValue = Regex::make(
    'A hexadecimal color is specified with: `#RRGGBB`, where `RR` (red), `GG` (green) and `BB` (blue) are hexadecimal integers between `00` and `FF` specifying the intensity of the color.',

use MLL\GraphQLScalars\Regex;

// The name is implicitly set through the class name here
class HexValue extends Regex
    /** The description that is used for schema introspection. */
    public ?string $description = /** @lang Markdown */<<<'MARKDOWN'
    A hexadecimal color is specified with: `#RRGGBB`, where `RR` (red), `GG` (green) and `BB` (blue)
    are hexadecimal integers between `00` and `FF` specifying the intensity of the color.

    public static function regex(): string
        return '/^#?([a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3})$/';

use MLL\GraphQLScalars\StringScalar;

$coolName = StringScalar::make(
    'A name that is most definitely cool.',
    static fn (string $name): bool => in_array($name, [