PHP code example of mix / vega

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mix/vega library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mix / vega example snippets

a = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$vega->handle('/hello', function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
    $ctx->string(200, 'hello, world!');

$http = new Swoole\Http\Server('', 9501);
$http->on('Request', $vega->handler());
    'worker_num' => 4,

$http->on('Request', $vega->handler());
$http->on('WorkerStart', function ($server, $workerId) {
    // 协程初始化
    // 比如:启动 mix/database mix/redis 的连接池
    'enable_coroutine' => true,
    'worker_num' => 4,

le\Coroutine\run(function () {
    $vega = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
    $vega->handle('/hello', function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
        $ctx->string(200, 'hello, world!');
    $server = new Swoole\Coroutine\Http\Server('', 9502, false);
    $server->handle('/', $vega->handler());

a = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$vega->handle('/hello', function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
    $ctx->string(200, 'hello, world!');

$http_worker = new Workerman\Worker("");
$http_worker->onMessage = $vega->handler();
$http_worker->count = 4;

a = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$vega->handle('/hello', function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
    $ctx->string(200, 'hello, world!');
return $vega->run();

a = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$vega->handle('/hello', function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
    $ctx->string(200, 'hello, world!');
return $vega->run();

$vega = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$vega->handle('/hello', function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
    $ctx->string(200, 'hello, world!');

class Hello {
    public function index(Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
        $ctx->string(200, 'hello, world!');
$vega = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$vega->handle('/hello', [new Hello(), 'index'])->methods('GET');

$vega = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$vega->handle('/users/{id:\d+}', function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
    $id = $ctx->param('id');
    $ctx->string(200, 'hello, world!');

$vega = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$vega->handle('/hello', function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
    $ctx->string(200, 'hello, world!');
})->methods('GET', 'POST');

$vega = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$foo = $vega->pathPrefix('/foo');
$bar = $foo->pathPrefix('/bar');
$bar->handle('/baz', function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) { // path=/foo/bar/baz
    $ctx->string(200, 'hello, world!');

$file = $ctx->formFile('img');
$targetPath = '/data/project/public/uploads/' . $file->getClientFilename();

$vega = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$vega->handle('/users/{id}', function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
    if (true) {
        $ctx->string(401, 'Unauthorized');
    $ctx->string(200, 'hello, world!');


$vega = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$vega->handle('/users', function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
    $obj = $ctx->getJSON();
    if (!$obj) {
        throw new \Exception('Parameter error');
    $ctx->JSON(200, [
        'code' => 0,
        'message' => 'ok'

$vega = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$vega->handle('/users', function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
    $obj = $ctx->mustGetJSON();
    $ctx->JSON(200, [
        'code' => 0,
        'message' => 'ok'

$vega = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$vega->handle('/jsonp', function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
    $ctx->JSONP(200, [
        'code' => 0,
        'message' => 'ok'

<p>id: <?= $id 

<?= $this->render('header', $__data__); 

$vega = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$vega->handle('/html', function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
    $ctx->HTML(200, 'foo', [
        'id' => 1000,
        'name' => '小明',
        'friends' => [

$vega = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$vega->static('/static', '/data/project/public/static');
$vega->staticFile('/favicon.ico', '/data/project/public/favicon.ico');

$vega = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$func = function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
    // do something
$vega->handle('/hello', $func, function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
    $ctx->string(200, 'hello, world!');

$vega = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$vega->use(function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {

$vega = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$foo = $vega->pathPrefix('/foo');
$foo->use(function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {

$vega->use(function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
    // do something

$vega->use(function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
    // do something

$vega = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$vega->use(function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
    } catch (Mix\Vega\Exception\NotFoundException $ex) {
        $ctx->string(404, 'New 404 response');

$vega = new Mix\Vega\Engine();
$vega->use(function (Mix\Vega\Context $ctx) {
    } catch (\Throwable $ex) {
        if ($ex instanceof Mix\Vega\Abort || $ex instanceof Mix\Vega\Exception\NotFoundException) {
            throw $ex;
        $ctx->string(500, 'New 500 response');

php swoole.php

php swooleco.php

php wokerman.php start

php -S localhost:8000 router.php