PHP code example of mitwork / kalkan

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mitwork/kalkan library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mitwork / kalkan example snippets

return [
    'ncanode' => [
        'host' => env('NCANODE_HOST', 'http://localhost:14579'),
    'links' => [
        'prefix' => 'mobileSign:',
        'mobile' => '',
        'business' => '',
    'actions' => [
        'store-document' => 'store-document',
        'store-request' => 'store-request',
        'generate-qr-code' => 'generate-qr-code',
        'generate-cross-link' => 'generate-cross-link',
        'generate-service-link' => 'generate-service-link',
        'prepare-content' => 'prepare-content',
        'process-content' => 'process-content',
        'check-document' => 'check-document',
        'check-request' => 'check-request',
    'options' => [
        'description' => 'Текст для пользователя',
        'organisation' => [
            'nameRu' => 'АО ТЕСТ',
            'nameKz' => 'ТЕСТ АҚ',
            'nameEn' => 'JS TEST',
            'bin' => '123456789012',
        'auth' => [
            'type' => 'None', // Bearer
            'token' => '',
    'ttl' => 180,

namespace App\Controllers;

use \Mitwork\Kalkan\Services\KalkanSignatureService;
use \Mitwork\Kalkan\Services\KalkanValidationService;

class TestXmlController extends Controller
    function __construct(
        public KalkanSignatureService $signatureService,
        public KalkanValidationService $validationService,
    function testXmlSign(): string
        $xml = '<?xml...';
        $key = 'base64...';
        $password = 'password';
        $result = $this->signatureService->signXml($xml, $key, $password);
        // dd($result);
        // <?xml...
        return $result;
    function testXmlVerify(): bool
        $signedXml = $this->testXmlSign();
        $result = $this->validationService->verifyXml($signedXml);
        // dd($result);
        // true
        return $result;

namespace App\Controllers;

use \Mitwork\Kalkan\Services\KalkanSignatureService;
use \Mitwork\Kalkan\Services\KalkanValidationService;
use \Mitwork\Kalkan\Services\KalkanExtractionService;

class TestCmsController extends Controller
    function __construct(
        public KalkanSignatureService $signatureService,
        public KalkanValidationService $validationService,
        public KalkanExtractionService $extractionService,
    function testCmsSign(): string
        $data = 'base64...';
        $key = 'base64...';
        $password = 'password';
        $result = $this->signatureService->signCms($data, $key, $password);
        // dd($result);
        // base64...
        return $result;
    function testCmsVerify(): bool
        $cms = 'base64...';
        $data = 'base64...';
        $result = $this->validationService->verifyCms($cms, $data);
        // dd($result);
        // true
        return $result;
    function testCmsExtract(): string
        $cms = 'base64...';
        $result = $this->extractionService->extractCms($cms);
        // dd($result);
        // base64...
        return $result;

namespace App\Listeners;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Mitwork\Kalkan\Events\DocumentSigned;

class DocumentEventsListener
     * Create the event listener.
    public function __construct()

    public function onSigned(DocumentSigned $event): void
        Log::info('Документ подписан', [
            'id' => $event->id,
            'result' => $event->result,

php artisan vendor:publish --tag kalkan-config