PHP code example of mita / uranus-socket-server

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mita/uranus-socket-server library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mita / uranus-socket-server example snippets

namespace Mita\UranusSocketServer\Examples\Chat\Controllers;

use Mita\UranusSocketServer\Controllers\BaseController;
use Mita\UranusSocketServer\Managers\ConnectionManager;
use Mita\UranusSocketServer\Packets\PacketInterface;
use Ratchet\ConnectionInterface;

class ChatController extends BaseController
    public function handle(ConnectionInterface $conn, PacketInterface $packet, array $params)
        if ($params['_route'] === 'join_room') {
            $conn->send("You joined room " . $params['roomId']);
        } elseif ($params['_route'] === 'room_publish') {
            $conn->send("Message to room " . $params['roomId'] . ": " . $packet->getMessage());

use Mita\UranusSocketServer\SocketServer;

$settings = [
    'host' => '',
    'port' => 7654,
    'router_path' => __DIR__ . '/routes.yaml'

$socketServer = new SocketServer($settings);

use Mita\UranusSocketServer\Examples\ChatWithAuth\Plugins\AuthPlugin;
use Mita\UranusSocketServer\SocketServer;

$settings = [
    'host' => '',
    'port' => 7654,
    'router_path' => __DIR__ . '/routes.yaml'

$socketServer = new SocketServer($settings);

$authPlugin = new AuthPlugin('your_secret_key');


class AuthPlugin implements PluginInterface, MiddlewareInterface
    protected $secretKey;
    protected $keyName;

    // 1. Constructor
    public function __construct($secretKey, $keyName = 'access_token')
        $this->secretKey = $secretKey;
        $this->keyName = $keyName;

    // 2. Registering the Plugin
    public function register(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher)
        $dispatcher->addListener('middleware.register', [$this, 'onRegisterMiddleware']);
        $dispatcher->addListener('', [$this, 'onOpen']);

    // 3. Register Middleware
    public function onRegisterMiddleware(MiddlewarePipeline $pipeline)

    // 4. Connection Open Handler
    public function onOpen(ConnectionInterface $conn)
        $uri = $conn->httpRequest->getUri();
        parse_str($uri->getQuery(), $params);
        $token = $params[$this->keyName] ?? null;
        if (!$this->validateToken($token)) {
            $conn->send("Invalid token");
            throw new \Exception("Invalid token");

    // 5. Message Handler Middleware
    public function handle(ConnectionInterface $conn, PacketInterface $packet, callable $next)
        $token = $packet->getMetadata($this->keyName);

        if (!$this->validateToken($token)) {
            $conn->send("Invalid token");

        $next($conn, $packet);

    // 6. Token Validation Method
    protected function validateToken($token)
        if (!$token) {
            return false;

        return $token == $this->secretKey;

  public function run()

  public function registerEventListener(string $eventName, callable $listener)

  public function handle(ConnectionInterface $conn, PacketInterface $packet, callable $next)

  public function add(MiddlewareInterface $middleware)

  public function process(ConnectionInterface $conn, PacketInterface $packet, callable $finalHandler)

  public function add(ConnectionInterface $conn)

  public function remove(ConnectionInterface $conn)

  public function addListener(string $eventName, callable $listener)

  public function dispatch(string $eventName, $eventData = null)

  public function getRoute(): string

  public function getMessage()

  public function getMetadata(string $key = null)

  public function createFromJson(string $json): PacketInterface

  public function addPlugin(PluginInterface $plugin)

  public function registerPlugins(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher)

  public function bootPlugins()

  use Mita\UranusSocketServer\Events\EventDispatcherInterface;
  use Mita\UranusSocketServer\Plugins\PluginInterface;

  class MyCustomPlugin implements PluginInterface
      public function register(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher)
          // Register events or middleware here

      public function boot()
          // Code to run when the plugin is booted

      public function unregister(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher)
          // Unregister events or middleware here

  $myPlugin = new MyCustomPlugin();

     $socketServer->registerEventListener('connection.opened', function($conn) {
         echo "New connection opened with ID: " . $conn->resourceId . "\n";

     $socketServer->registerEventListener('message.received', function($data) {
         $conn = $data['connection'];
         $msg = $data['message'];
         echo "Message received from connection {$conn->resourceId}: {$msg}\n";

     $socketServer->registerEventListener('plugin.registered', function($plugin) {
         echo "Plugin registered: " . get_class($plugin) . "\n";

     $socketServer->registerEventListener('connection.added', function($conn) {
         echo "Connection added with ID: " . $conn->resourceId . "\n";

     $socketServer->registerEventListener('connection.removed', function($conn) {
         echo "Connection removed with ID: " . $conn->resourceId . "\n";

     $socketServer->registerEventListener('connection.subscribed', function($data) {
         $conn = $data['conn'];
         $route = $data['route'];
         echo "Connection {$conn->resourceId} subscribed to route: {$route}\n";

     $socketServer->registerEventListener('connection.unsubscribed', function($data) {
         $conn = $data['conn'];
         $route = $data['route'];
         echo "Connection {$conn->resourceId} unsubscribed from route: {$route}\n";

     $socketServer->registerEventListener('message.sent', function($data) {
         $route = $data['route'];
         $message = $data['message'];
         echo "Message sent to route {$route}: {$message}\n";
php index.php
php index.php