PHP code example of mistralys / markdown-viewer

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mistralys/markdown-viewer library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mistralys / markdown-viewer example snippets


use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocsManager;
use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocsViewer;

if(!file_exists(__DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php')) {
    die('Please run <code>composer install</code> first.');

URL to the vendor/ folder, relative
// to the script. This is needed to load the clientside dependencies,
// like jQuery and Bootstrap.
(new DocsViewer($manager, '/url/to/vendor'))

use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocsManager;

$manager = new DocsManager();

// Add a single folder, non-recursive.
$manager->addFile('Name of the file', '/path/to/');

use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocsManager;

$manager = new DocsManager();

// Add a single folder, non-recursive.

// Add a folder and all its subfolders
$manager->addFolder('/path/to/files', true);

use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocsManager;

$manager = new DocsManager();

// Add all TXT files from a single folder, non-recursive.
$manager->addFolder('/path/to/files', false, 'txt');

use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocsManager;

$manager = new DocsManager();

    'Name of the file', 
    '(Unique file ID)'

use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocsViewer;
use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocsManager;

$manager = new DocsManager();

// Configure the files

(new DocsViewer($manager, '/url/to/vendor'))

use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocsManager;
use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocsConfig;

$config = (new DocsConfig())


use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocsConfig;

$config = (new DocsConfig())

use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocsConfig;

$config = (new DocsConfig())

use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocsConfig;

$extensions = array(

$config = (new DocsConfig())

use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocsConfig;

// Allow files up to 12Kb (12.000 bytes)
$config = (new DocsConfig())


use AppUtils\FileHelper\FileInfo;
use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocFile;
use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocsConfig;
use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\Parser\BaseIncludeFilter;

class ExampleIncludeFilter extends BaseIncludeFilter
    public function getExtensions(): array
        return array('example');
    public function isValidFor(DocFile $sourceFile, DocsConfig $config, FileInfo $

use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocsConfig;

$config = (new DocsConfig())
    ->addIncludeFilter(new ExampleIncludeFilter());


use AppUtils\FileHelper\FileInfo;
use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocFile;
use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\DocsConfig;
use Mistralys\MarkdownViewer\Parser\BaseIncludeFilter;

class ExampleIncludeFilter extends BaseIncludeFilter
    public function isValidFor(DocFile $sourceFile, DocsConfig $config, FileInfo $
