PHP code example of minz / laravel-qiniu-dora

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download minz/laravel-qiniu-dora library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


minz / laravel-qiniu-dora example snippets

'providers' => [

'aliases' => [
    'Dora' => Minz\Laravel\Qiniu\Dora\QiniuDoraFacade::class,

     * 对资源文件进行异步持久化处理
     * @param string $fileKey 存储于bucket中的资源key
     * @param $fops string|array  待处理的pfop操作,多个pfop操作以array的形式传入。
     *                    eg. avthumb/mp3/ab/192k, vframe/jpg/offset/7/w/480/h/360
     * @param string|null $pipeline 多媒体队列名称,默认使用配置文件
     * @param string|null $notifyUrl 回调服务器地址
     * @param bool $force 如果key相同是否强制覆盖object 默认为false
     * @return array (返回持久化处理的persistentId, 返回的错误)
    public function execute(string $fileKey, $fops, string $pipeline = null, string $notifyUrl = null, bool $force = false)

    $imgUrl = "http:yourPictireUrl";
    $fileKey = "demo.wmv";
    #打水印后视频另存为地址 必须为 bucket:saveKey base64Encode
    $videoSaveKey = config('qiniuDora.bucket') . ":" . "yourVideoSaveKey";
    #截取视频某个帧另存为图片 必须为 bucket:saveKey base64Encode
    $pictureSaveKey = config('qiniuDora.bucket') . ":" . "yourPictureSaveKey";
    //格式请参考七牛dora api 文档
    $fops = [
        "avthumb/mp4/r/15/vb/256k/vcodec/libx264/ab/64k/acodec/libfaac/wmImage/" . base64_encode($imgUrl) . "|saveas/" . base64_encode($videoSaveKey),
        "vframe/jpg/offset/5|saveas/" . base64_encode($pictureSaveKey)
    list($id, $err) = Dora::execute($fileKey, $fops);    
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Minz\Laravel\Qiniu\Dora\QiniuDoraServiceProvider"