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minuteoflaravel / laravel-audio-video-validator example snippets
'audio' => 'The :attribute must be a audio.',
'video' => 'The :attribute must be a video.',
'codec' => 'The :attribute codec must be one of these: :codec',
'duration' => 'The :attribute must be :duration seconds duration.',
'duration_max' => 'The :attribute duration must be less than :duration_max seconds.',
'duration_min' => 'The :attribute duration must be greater than :duration_min seconds.',
'video_width' => 'The :attribute width must be :video_width.',
'video_height' => 'The :attribute height must be :video_height.',
'video_max_width' => 'The :attribute width must be less than :video_max_width.',
'video_min_width' => 'The :attribute width must be greater than :video_min_width.',
'video_min_height' => 'The :attribute height must be greater than :video_min_height.',