1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mindtouch/mindtouch-http library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
mindtouch / mindtouch-http example snippets
$plug = new ApiPlug(XUri::newFromString('https://mindtouch.example.com/@api/deki'));
$result = $plug->at('pages', 'home', 'contents')->get();
if($result->isSuccess()) {
// great job!
echo $result->getVal('body/contents');
$plug = new ApiPlug(XUri::newFromString('https://mindtouch.example.com/@api/deki'));
$pagesPlug = $plug->at('pages')->with('esult->getVal('body/page/contents/body');
$plug = new ApiPlug(XUri::newFromString('https://mindtouch.example.com/@api/deki'));
// request all site tags
$result = $plug->at('site', 'tags')->get();
// extract tags
$tags = $result->getAll('body/tags/tag');
$plug = new ApiPlug(XUri::newFromString('https://mindtouch.example.com/@api/deki'));
$tagsPlug = $plug->at('site', 'tags');
// request all pages that are tagged "access"
$result = $plug->at('=access')->get();
// extract pages
$pages = $result->getAll('body/tag/page');
$plug = new ApiPlug(XUri::newFromString('https://mindtouch.example.com/@api/deki'));
$pagesPlug = $plug->at('pages');
// request all immediate subpages of page id 7795
$result = $pagesPlug->at('7795', 'subpages')->get();
// extract subpages
$pages = $result->getAll('body/subpages/page.subpage');
$plug = new ApiPlug(XUri::newFromString('https://mindtouch.example.com/@api/deki'));
$pagesPlug = $plug->at('pages');
// request a list of all files attached to page path 'lorem/ipsum/dolor'
$result = $pagesPlug->at('=lorem/ipsum/dolor', 'files')->get();
// extract list of files
$files = $result->getAll('body/files/file');
$plug = new ApiPlug(XUri::newFromString('https://mindtouch.example.com/@api/deki'));
$pagesPlug = $plug->at('pages');
// request a list of all tags on page id 619
$result = $pagesPlug->at('619', 'tags')->get();
// extract list of tags
$tags = [];
foreach($result->getAll('body/tags/tag') as $tag) {
$tags[] = $tag['@value'];
// the library allows for programmatic URL construction and parsing
$uri = XUri::newFromString('http://mindtouch.example.com/@api')
// every step in a URL builder returns an immutable XUri object
->at('scim', 'v2', 'users')
->withQueryParam('xyzzy', 'plugh')
'bar' => 'qux',
'baz' => 'fred'
// QueryParams objects are normally immutable
$params = $uri->getQueryParams();
// we can change the data structure of a QueryParams object if we must
$params = $params->toMutableQueryParams();
$params->set('baz', 'abc');
// QueryParams are also iterable
foreach($params as $param => $value) {
$uri = $uri->withReplacedQueryParam($param, $value);
// what does our URL look like now?
$result = $uri->toString(); // https://mindtouch.example.com/@api/scim/v2/users?xyzzy=plugh&baz=abc
// we can give our XUri object to a Plug or an ApiPlug to create a client
$plug = new \modethirteen\Http\Plug($uri);
// Plug holds the main HTTP client functionality which can technically be used with any HTTP server
// ...however ApiPlug provides a layer of MindTouch API-specific request formatting and response handling
// ...and is highly recommended when connecting to the MindTouch API
$plug = new ApiPlug($uri);
// like every object in this library, attaching new values or behaviors to plugs is by default immutable
// ...and returns a new object reference
// add a Server API Token for administrator authorization
// ... which calculates Server API Token hash at HTTP request invocation
$plug->withApiToken((new ApiToken('rabbits', 'hasen'))->withUsername('admin'));
// we can add some additional URL path segements and query parameters that weren't part of the constructing URL
$plug = $plug->at('another', 'additional', 'endpoint', 'segment')->with('more', 'params');
// how many redirects will we follow?
$plug = $plug->withAutoRedirects(2);
// HTTP requests often need HTTP headers
$plug = $plug->withHeader('X-FcStPauli', 'hells')
->withAddedHeader('X-FcStPauli', 'bells')
->withHeader('X-HSV', 'you\'ll never walk again');
// ...or not
$plug = $plug->withoutHeader('X-HSV');
// the Headers object, like XUri and QueryParams, is normally immutable
$headers = $plug->getHeaders();
$result = $headers->getHeader('X-FcStPauli'); // ['hells', 'bells']
$result = $headers->getHeaderLine('X-FcStPauli'); // X-HSV: hells, bells
// but if you really want to...
$mutableHeaders = $headers->toMutableHeaders();
$mutableHeaders->set('X-HSV', 'keiner mag den hsv');
// a Headers object is iterable
foreach($mutableHeaders as $header => $values) {
foreach($values as $value) {
// HTTP headers can have multiple stored values
// ...though normally sent via an HTTP client as comma separated on a single HTTP header line
echo "{$header}: {$value}";
// also we can merge the two sets of Headers (the original and the mutated one)
// ...to create a brand new object containing the values of both
$mergedHeaders = $headers->toMergedHeaders($mutableHeaders);
// we've built out a pretty complex HTTP client now
// ...but what if we want a client with a different URL but everything else the same?
$alternateApiPlug = $plug->withUri(XUri::newFromString('https://deki.example.com/@api/deki'));
// we are going to invoke an HTTP request
// ...pre and post invocation callbacks can attach special logic and handlers
// ...intended to be executed whenever or wherever this HTTP client is used
// ...maybe there is some logic we want to always perform at the moment the HTTP request is about to be sent?
$plug = $plug->withPreInvokeCallback(function(XUri $uri, IHeaders $headers) {
// last chance to change the URL or HTTP headers before the request is made
// ...URL and HTTP headers for the single request invocation can be mutated
// ...this will not affect the URL or HTTP headers configured in the plug
$headers->toMutableHeaders()->addHeader('something', 'contextual');
// multiple callbacks can be attached (they are executed in the order they are attached)
$plug = $plug->withPreInvokeCallback(function(XUri $uri, IHeaders $headers) {
// maybe we want to attach some special handling that always executes when we receive an HTTP response?
$plug = $plug->withPostInvokeCallback(function(HttpResult $result) {
// perhaps there is special behavior to always trigger based on the HTTP response status code?
if($result->is(403)) {
// HTTP responses can be parsed from text into traversable data structures by attaching one or more HttpResultParser objects
// ...parsing can be possibly memory intensive, so limits can be put on the allowed size of a response to parse
$plug = $plug->withHttpResultParser((new JsonParser())->withMaxContentLength(640000));
// fetching HTTP data is handled via HTTP GET
$result = $plug->get();
// POST or PUT can optionally send data, in a several different content types as needed
$result = $plug->post(
(new MultiPartFormDataContent([
'a' => 'b',
'c' => 'd'
->withFileContent(new FileContent('/path/to/file'))
$result = $plug->put(new FileContent('/path/to/file'));
$result = $plug->post(new UrlEncodedFormDataContent([
'e' => 'f',
'g' => 'h'
$result = $plug->post(JsonContent::newFromArray([
'a' => [
'multi-dimensional' => [
$result = $plug->post(XmlContent::newFromArray([
'another' => [
'multi-dimensional' => [
'formatted' => 'as xml'
$result = $plug->put(new TextContent('good old text!'));
// during the invocation process, an ApiResultException may be raised
// ...such as a max HTTP response content length exceeded or an HTTP response parser failure
// ...exceptions can bubble up to the HTTP client callsite, or handled in the HTTP client internally
$plug = $plug->withResultErrorHandler(function(ApiResultException $e) : bool {
if($e instanceof HttpResultParserException) {
// always suppress this exception
return false;
return true;
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