PHP code example of mindplay / testies

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mindplay/testies library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mindplay / testies example snippets

// import the functions you need:

use function mindplay\testies\{test, ok};

// bootstrap Composer:


// run your tests:

exit(run()); // exits with errorlevel (for CI tools etc.)

# Assertions:

ok($result, $why, $value);                 # check the result on an expression
eq($value, $expected, $why);               # check value for strict equality with an expected value
expect($exception_type, $why, $function);  # check for an expected exception that should be thrown 

# Helper functions:

invoke($object, $method_name, $arguments); # invokes a protected or private method; returns the result
inspect($object, $property_name);          # returns a protected or private property value
format($value, $detailed = false);         # format a value for use in diagnostic messages

    'Various things of great importance',
    function () {
        ok($foo instanceof Foo);              # type-checking an object
        ok(is_int(inspect($foo, '_count')));  # type-checking a private property
        ok(123 == '123');                     # loose comparison
        ok(in_array('b', ['a','b','c']));     # check for presence of a value
        ok(isset($map['key']));               # check for presence of a key
        ok(is_string(@$map['key']));          # type-check a key/value with error-suppression

 * Assert that a numeric value is very close to a given expected value 
 * @param float|int $value    actual value
 * @param float|int $expected expected near value
 * @param int       $decimals number of decimals of error tolerance
function nearly($value, $expected, $decimals = 8) {
    ok(abs($value - $expected) * pow(10, $decimals) <= 1, "{$value} should be nearly {$expected}", $value);

    'Values should be approximately right',
    function () {
        nearly(9.999999999, 10);
        nearly(10.000000001, 10);
        nearly(10.00002, 10);

function checkValue($value) {
    ok(is_int($value), "value should be numeric", $value);
    ok($value > 0, "value should be positive", $value);

    'Checking out some numbers',
    function () {

use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;
use Zaphyr\HttpClient\Client;
use function mindplay\testies\{test, ok, eq};

$server = new TestServer(__DIR__, 8088);

    'Can get home page',
    function () {
        $server = new TestServer(__DIR__, 8088);

        $http = new Psr17Factory();

        $client = new Client($http, $http);

        $response = $client->sendRequest($http->createRequest("GET", ""));

        eq($response->getStatusCode(), 200);

        ok(strpos($response->getBody(), '<title>Welcome</title>') !== false, "it should capture the response body");


configure()->enableCodeCoverage(__DIR__ . '/build/clover.xml');

configure()->enableCodeCoverage(__DIR__ . '/build/clover.xml', dirname(__DIR__) . '/src');



// Derive your custom configuration class:

class MyTestConfiguration extends TestConfiguration
    // ...

// Head off your test by selecting your custom configuration object:

configure(new MyTestConfiguration);

// Derive your custom driver class:

class MyTestDriver extends TestDriver
    // ...

// Boostrap your test by selecting your custom driver:

configure(new TestConfiguration(new TestDriver));

class MyTestDriver extends TestDriver
    // ...

class MyTestConfiguration extends TestConfiguration
    protected function createDefaultDriver()
        return new MyTestDriver();        
    // ...

configure(new MyTestConfiguration);